Friday, August 27, 2010

What I want from you

I was surfing the net again, when I tumbled on this. I think its beautiful.

"Dear love of mine,

 I do not believe in a love where that person is “perfect” for me. Why would anyone on Earth want someone “perfect?” That’s boring, plus I don’t believe there is such a thing as “perfect” in this world or any other. I want someone who is flawed and real like I am. I don’t need someone to complete me. I need a person who will accept me and be there with me. Not as my dream person but as themselves, the person who I need in my life.

 I like the simple things. I don’t need much to be kept happy. I won’t ask you to give me the world because that’s not within your reach(Even though I know you probably could do it if you tried.). I say this because I know you would never expect or ask this of me either. All I ask is for you to give me what you expect me to give you. Be frank about it. Don’t beat around the bushes. I hate that shit. I don’t need you to be in my life one hundred percent of the time. I have my life and you have yours. Go live it to the fullest. Just remember to keep me involved at least fifty percent(Or more if you so desire.) of the time.

Be my…best friend. My snuggle buddie. My shoulder to lean on when I’m down and in need of comfort or support. Be my love. Be you. That is all I can ever really ask for. As long as we are generally having a fun time and continue to laugh and love together then I will be fine. I don’t need to see you 24/7 or a date everyday or week. Just see me now and then. And when you do… Just whisk me into your arms and hold me tight.

Kiss me until I’m stupid. Never let go. Sweep me off my feet until my thoughts are poisoned and my senses intoxicated by you. I don’t even expect or want marriage let alone children. I don’t need to see a rock on my left ring finger or a piece of paper to tell me that you will continue to love me. I will continue to trust you so long as I love you. That’s how I am. Just stay by my side and come see the world with me. Lets laugh, love, see, eat, and make beautiful memories together all around the world. Grow old with me. They say home is where the heart is so if my heart is always with you, you must be my home.

That’s the kind of love that I want for myself from you. Now tell me what kind of love you want from me.

Your Love

I don’t expect anyone to see or feel the same way as I do. Nor would anyone have to understand it. I’m just throwing it out there as to what kind of love I want. Perhaps that’s asking for too much but sometimes I think I rather be open and honest about what I want than to keep it to myself."

by aktang

How true.

True perfection doesn’t exist. Nobody is always kind, always fair. There is not a person out there free of physical imperfections such as pimples, wrinkles, scars. But when you fall in love, the one you love becomes perfect in your eyes. That beauty mark, his inability to sing, her tendency to snort when she laughs… You don’t mind. You embrace these quirks, the blemishes. Because put together with everything else, they comprise the one who makes you happiest. Who knows you best. Who makes you feel like you can do anything you dream of. You’re not perfect. The one you’re with isn’t perfect. But you are perfect together. In your own way. And in love, that is all that matters.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sweetie pie Flo is turning 18!

 In less than 4 hours!


Friday, August 13, 2010


It's really really stupid, but I vaguely remember I had a lot to post on 10 seconds ago. Granted, I don't have the best memory in the world. Remembering every weensy tiny detail is a pain when you haven't mastered the "skill" for it. I like to think its cuz I haven't mastered the skill yet, and not because of genetic reasons. Although, Dr. House did say: genetics is a powerful thing. or something like that. Whatever la, I told you I'm no avid fan of memorising!

Yay, it's Frrriidday again! Better still, no tuition today because! Well, because it rained. I don't know why but I swear whenever it rains, my teacher never comes. It's interesting, but I never asked why. Surely people have their reasons. I'm open-minded like that. Cheh, hehe ;) Despite all the little confetti party of having no tuition, I'm glum. Yours truly has been a lazy bum bum of the late; thus, her homework is mountaining. beh. BUT;

       More thinking,
More doing,
Less doing nothing.

and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I hope.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

no day like today.

photo credit to Heeda

Alriiggght! THIS is what I'm talking about!
Cannot wait to for all the photos to come!

Fun with twinnie

Super overdue post! This was taken in Ion Orchard!

Here goes some others! Better late than never :D

Me likey this. :)

My back view. Saying goodbye to Nat. Leh Leh

In Toys 'r us. There's plenty more photos taken here, but uh, some are too xx. The top's too got longkang. har har har.

Here's what I mean about blooming pimples. :/

I adore this photo of Nat. Especially with this grainy vintagy feel AND the floral top.

The god damn dress that I didn't get to buy!!

Friday, August 6, 2010




Aiya, i figured all of u saw them on FB anyway. So wat's the point??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Almost invisible mirrored tree house.

This is pretty damn cool. Absolutely camouflaged.


I didn't go to school today. My stomach feels all funny even now. Boo.

I hope I didn't miss much in school. Although, I must admit, I do feel a bit sorry for myself that I didn't see Mr. Cham You's dashing/shuai look today. I heard he wore a reli nice maroon shirt his daughter gave him. Aw, so sweet ;) I can imagine him telling the class how he loved the shirt, but of cuz I doubt he did (tho I can't be sure, because with him, nothing's predictable. Like that day, he suddenly announced he likes Mickey Mouse ;)).

Woohoo, Sports Rehearsal this coming Friday! For the first time in 5 years, I don't have to get all sweaty on this day! All my events are scheduled on the actual Sports Day. I'll have time to spend with my fellow House mates finally. Yay yay ;D Time to have my own share of infectious laughters and jokes we have every year on days like these :)

By the way, I'm over the fact of me being selected in events that's not exactly favorable for me. :) What is Sports for? It's not really the competition that makes us anticipate for it every single year. Its the good times. When I look back at all the photographs, it really makes me smile. It's better every year, and I'm positive we'll have a blast this year, whatever the outcome may be.


PS: Congratulations to Seng Hui for finally being able to untangle the threads ;)