Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello, Goodbye

This is the end of high school. Finally. 12/11/10.

I cannot believe that 5 years have passed in a blink of an eye. All the memories, the good ones, bad ones, crazy ones, sad ones, funny ones, painful ones will be forever etched in my mind. Thinking back, these memories are so so beautiful. The good memories, they keep me happy and I laughed when I thought of them. All the silly acts I was up to, they make my face burn whenever I remembered how childish I had been. They used to call me Loony. Lol. As for the bad experience that I have faced over the years, well, they matured me. I am 17. Still a teenager, but I'd definitely grown up in many ways. I'd like to think I'm wiser now, and I'm able to make decisions on my own.

I have graduated from Sek. Men. Seri Omega. It had been five freaking years, can you believe it? I still remember how I fought with my parents who wanted me to go into this school. I cried, I screamed. I didn't want to go. All my freedom is gone. I'm in hell. Well, at aged 13, that was all that I was concerned of : FUN. PLAY. FREEDOM. Lol. Begrudgingly, I entered Omega and hence, started on a journey that shaped who I am today.

The first day of school was painfully awkward, but I made a few new friends. Many of the friendships, unfortunately, did not last. My first friend in Omega was Wong Manni. She had been my best buddy in class until some things happened near the end of the year. Our friendship faded over the years, but I would always remember how enigmatic a girl she was. As for my other former classmates in Form 1, especially Yun Han and Meng, we still share good times together until today.

Entering A class in the second year was different. The atmosphere was different, but not in a bad way. There, man, I met friends that used to scare me. Ironically, these are my budddies now: you should know who you are ;) Form 2, haha, I remembered cutting strands of ZiYan's hair when she wasn't paying attention, Zhen Wei and I used to fight for the air con, me and Meng used to be glared by teachers for the talking too much etc etc. There's just too many memories. Memories that need volume and volume of books to fill. The "study periods" were always crazy with Jovan, Yan Feng, Jun Hao, Kelvin, Florence, Sunju and gosh, a few more others. The guys made me cry on several occasions - - cry baby me. haha.

You guys are the best tho! Almost 10 years of frienship y'll! And one of the guys who had teased me everyday back then, had become someone really important to me now. Haha. WEIRD! XD

I got to know Ling in Form 3, and she really, was way WAY friendlier than she looked. Form 3, ZW, Flo, Ling and I had a great time. We didn't pay attention in most of the class. We filed our nails in the class while the teacher was talking. We gossiped. We laughed like mad. We had, and still are having, an awesome time tgt. These three girls, they are the best. We shared a "Black Diary". Lol. It's where we filled our thoughts and feelings. Haha. The second book is currently with Zhen Wei. Ahem.

I'm fortunate enough to have dedicated teachers too. There's just too much to say about them, so I'll leave it to just that. But i wanna to say Thank you. Thank you for your guidance and patience. I may not be the most "active" student in class and you may not remember me next time, but I will definitely remember you. All of you.

Boy, this is a damn long post.

This year, I could conclude, is the best year. Despite getting into huge trouble with the school because of BGR (Fyi, boy-girl relationship), I would say still say its the best. This is also the year where I would be making life-changing decisions, like which course to choose, what I wanna be next time, etc etc. From a plastic surgeon, I changed my mind to being an industrial designer. However, after a talk with Mr. ooi, I decided to be a pharmacist (Seriously, that man can really "brain wash"). I am set now. Finally.

Another thing I love about 2010 is, I found my twin! Haha,well of cuz not biological twin la! Honestly, if you asked me, I wouldn't know how to answer you when our friendship started. Lol. Believe it or not, when she first came to our class, I used to hate her. Lol. I know I know, childish of me just to listen to what others say  before I even got to know her. I'm sorry for that! Haha. We shared so many similar traits its scary. Lol. too many good times!

Last but not least, I shall end this post with an I LOVE YOU and a big fat THANK YOU from the bottom of my butt (hey its bigger than my heart!). I LOVE YOU my friends. I LOVE YOU my teachers. I LOVE YOU my "brothers". I LOVE YOU, HIGH SCHOOL!

ps: i dont have time to check, so please, forgive me if there were too many typos! I'm typo queen anyway!!