Sunday, April 10, 2011

12 and more.

I'm finally home, and this is what I enjoy most 'bout it.
  • Smell of fresh bedsheets!
  • Good food without financial restraints
  • Good ol' family
  • Watching DVDs till the wee mornings
  • Have clean toilet to use
  • Floor-length mirror in room
  • The room gets "magically" tidy everyday
  • Don't have to do my own laundry
  • No repeats on daily wear
  • No need to use own money
  • can wear PJs all day long
  • go to places without having to pay ridiculous amount of taxi fare
  • more.
and this is gonna last for just another week. Oh, man.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sem Break

A great way to start off the holiday with, you ask? Easy. H-O-M-E-W-O-R-K, tonnes ans tonnes of it. Yes, that's right. Whooties! Seriously, I just adore my lecturers. They do really know how to suck up all that excitement and anticipation with just one determination and in about 5 seconds.
"Okay, class. Now, for the holiday assignment! You shall go to BB7 to download all the past year questions from x years to y years. Yes, that's all. Happy Holidays!", and with that, they walked out the class.

GAH. So much for my expectation to wind down during the holidays. Oh no, the lecturers are having none of that.

To add to my utter misery, we will have tests for every subject right after the sem break. Physics, Chemistry, Biology,Thinking Skills... Oh look, no maths test! What a relief! Har.(pause).Har. Damn it, I think there's a moral test and presentation as well. You know, I could swear the lecturers are all pairing up to drain us out of brain juice.

However, on the brighter note, I'm going to go back to Johor! I miss everything in JB. The people, the food, the shopping malls. Even the crappy ones, eh heh heh ;P Here's the Einstein-worthy equation I came up with:  Home =Sweet bliss

Maybe, just maybe, the prospect of having to "battle" the homework won't seem so terrible. It would be overshadowed by my anticipation to go back home :D and it would be real soon ;)


Monday, April 4, 2011

Tonight, it's only you and me.

Yes, please :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

OMG. So embarrassing.

I bet you guys laughed your arse off when you saw my last post. I didn't even realise I wrote SNEAKERS instead of SNICKERS. I love the chocolate bar dude and dudettes! Not the shoes! I mean, yes, I love wearing the shoes, but eating them? Nah uh. Lol. THANK YOU LOVEBUG FOR POINTING OUT MY MISTAKE ;);););)

Friday, April 1, 2011

oo ee oo ah ah

It’s Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend!

I can't believe I just copied and pasted the lyrics of Rebecca Black's Friday in my entry. It is supposed to be the worst song ever heard right now, and I say "right now", because I'm positive there's more crappy songs coming up in weeks to come. It always does.  Good Lord.

Anywhoooo, it's FRIDAY! Ah, my favourite day of the week. Weekends can almost never beat a Friday. Although we have classes in the mornings, the afternoons will be a hours long of fun and laughters without fail. Well, almost every time lah. I get to hang out or sleep in for TWO days- Saturday and Sunday :D Weekends pass by too soon, that's why is not so fun. Yeah. Geddit? Yeah...oh never mind, forget I ever said anything. I'm being QUITE senseless today.

Maybe it was because I had an overdose of Sneakers. I had three this week. Each for the last 3 days. It's so hard to resist. *Shake head* AND HuanYi buying them every time doesnt make things easier either. She buys it for me too! I guess if I'm diabetic next time, someone has to be blamed. Partly. Eh heh heh.

Moving on.

Yesterday's (and today's) Moral presentation was a nightmare. We totally screw up 'cuz we were so damn unprepared! and the teacher... well, she wasn't really helpful. We just blabbled everything from the notes and there was stuttering everywhere, mainly on my part. Gah. I hate presentations. I can never be as confident enough, and I hate it. >:/