Thursday, March 1, 2012
Recap: February.
February was the most eventful month by far. I wouldn't say all of it was all smiley faces and cheers, although most of them were.There were times when tears were shed too, times when my heart aches for someone else, and of course, uncertainties for the future continues to loom.
V-day, was almost exactly like last year. The moodiness on the eve of V-day, the shield I used: indifference, followed by a better mood when hugs and kisses were given, and then indefinitely better after Valentine's dinner together. Such contrasting moods in just 24 hours. See, I don't want to hope, and then be let down. I have been tgt with the boyf for 3 years now, and sometimes when you have been together for too long, the guy tend to get too comfortable, taking things for granted, thinking things won't change.
They are probably right, but the female species thinks otherwise. We need to be pampered and be reminded that love is more than a kiss or a hug. Luckily, the boyf is smart enough- he just knows ways to make me smile, even if he had to do a butt-jiggling dance or something. Not that he did....But actually, that's a good idea. I'll ask him to do that the next time I'm asked to forgive him. Heh heh.
Then it was ZiMing's birthday. First to turn 20 among us! This is probably the last time we could celebrate his birthday with him before he flies off to UK. Although we are not buddy-buddy close, but he's one of the most "epic" guy I've met, and I sincerely like him as a friend. Everyone likes him actually, haha. We had dinner at Tony Romas at Sunway Pyramid with some of his classmates. It was a good dinner. There was an awkward moment though, but not between Ziming and anyone else. It's between my boyf, and a long time good friend, J. The sarcasm was a bit much to handle, i feel. Mainly it's the boyf's fault, but the good friend of mine brought it upon himself. For once, I must say this friend changed. Not us. I feel I no longer know him.
More than 10 years of friendship and it ended this way. We still talk, but its not the same.
Moving on. Next came ielts test. Absolutely unnerving, that's what. I had so many tests coming up that week- Bio and Maths. All in all, four tests in days. The worst was of course (without even have to think), ielts speaking test. I always have problem speaking at the top of my head. I don't know why. Perhaps something went wrong when I was younger. Hit too many walls, fell too many times on the head. Whatever it is, my brain just cannot process fast enough for me to speak on a particular topic for more than 2 minutes. eg. I was asked: "What do you think of agriculture development in your country?" One word. Dumbfounded. my test results is coming out tomorrow. I expect a 7. I screwed up.
Then, there was the concert I had been waiting forever to go to. Avril Lavigne's Black Star 2012 tour concert. I must say, it was rocking good! She looks so beautiful. I dare say she looks exactly like she does in magazine spread. She's almost 30, but no sire(!), she looks nothing like that. She could pass as a teenager, swear! The concert itself... the opening act sucked big time. If I'm not mistaken, Miss Universe Malaysia 2010/2011 opened it. They played house music/techno/club song or whatever you call it. Don't get me wrong, club music gives me an adrenaline surge, but not when I'm on a big muddy field (it rained). It just wasn't really right for the occasion. We expected a local band. That would have been better, won't it! Yes, it will. Thanks very much.
Not that my opinion matters.
We "celebrated" Ling's birthday at McD after the concert. Made a cake for her too, if we dare say. Haha. Cuz it was her burger, and we poked fries onto the bun, with chillie sauce too- to make them seems like actually lit candles. Epic fail. She ended up sticking to fries herself hahaha ;) Sang her a birthday song and everyone was happy. Everyone left. The end.
OK. jokes! We stayed there for... three hours I think? If not four. We stayed until the section was close. Haha. I love how all of us can talk about the stupidest things in the world. Mainly about childhood.
Then the heartbreak. I can't say I didn't expect it, but it was really too bad things didn't work out with them. Although I'm not the immediate person involved in this, but I do feel the pain and disappointment that my friend faces. I sincerely hope they can be happy again, both of them. After all...plenty of fish in the sea aye? A better fish, the one who will make you feel on top of the world again. xx. Meantime, I'll be here for you.
That's all for now.
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