Wednesday, April 28, 2010

for colours and words.

I just love saving all them pretty photos. I know I'm wrong, I know I really shouldn't, at least not without crediting others, but when I'm really gripped and fascinated by those colours- be it those sharp glaring ones or those with soft pastel colours- I just go "click, click, click" and save them into my pendrive. I love all of them, and I can spend hours and hours, looking and browsing through many websites just to find them. I believe these photos sometimes... tell people about yourself. Well, kinda.

Like if someone likes bright cheery colours, you could quite possibly say he or she has quite a positive outlook in life? That he or she is a relatively happy person? Haha, well I'm not sure about what you think, but to me, he or she is. The same applies for pessimists: they probably like grimer colours. That's just what I think of course.

I especially adore those photos with quotes too. Some phrases can be real simple, yet very meaningful. Even one single simple word is enough sometimes. Like. "HAPPY" or "ACHE". A picture tells a thousand words. Or is that the right saying? Oh, nevermind, you know what I mean, that's my main concern. Or those love quotes saying "Our Forevers Go Together" or "I Want a Boy Who Will Build Me Book Shelves"  ;)

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