Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Please stall for me, Time.

About time I brush off some dust over this page.

Unbelievable, its already frigging WEDNESDAY. School reopens the following week. I cannot remember what I'd been doing the past week, but time passed as quickly as it always does. Damn. I haven't got any REAL revision done and its driving me nuts cuz its less than three weeks to exams! Trials!! *Frustrated screeeaaaaam*

I know after saying that, I should now scoot and go upstairs to do some concrite (i got a feeling I've spelt concrite wrongly, but oh whatever. Cannot be bothered to check dictionary) revision but I'm waiting for 8PM to arrive. Never watched OMG on Channel 5 before. So I am going sit on the couch tonight and duh, watch TV. God, I think i'd figured why I hadn't been doing any "real" revision. I'm held captive by my Mr.TV almost everyday. Been watching Stephen Chow's movies. He's awesome, man, really. Whoo!

Parents just came back from Shang Hai yesterday! They didn't buy much this time, boo. but I got PJs again. Every time they go somewhere, they return with PJs for me. -- If this goes on, I will have more night wear than day wear in my closet. and I'm not even kidding.

Okay, it's near 8 o' clock now. BUH BYE!

PS: Went to Pet Store. The puppies are aaaaaaddddoooorrrraaaaabbbbblllllleeeeeee (adorable, geddit?) !

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