Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Sometimes, a gesture of comfort is all you need.

I had been rather depressed inside lately. When I was alone, I was more emotional, and more prone to tears. I don't know why. It could be the hormones, surging up again as I near my monthly period. Or it could be stress, accumulated from the not -so-satisfying results of my class tests. Or it could be because I was sick and tired for so long that made me like that. However, depressed or not, I am feeling better now.

But I would like to say thank you to the boyf and another particular person....whom I don't know.

It all happened that day. After failing to answer many of the physics questions, I just couldn't take it anymore. The frustration took its toll on me and I just burst out crying, in the library. It was embarrassing. I swear I was quiet though, I was sure no one heard. No sniffling and stuff, just tears. It took awhile for the boyf to calm me down, lolz. I guess it's been hard on him for the last few days. I'm sorry for that. I'm touched, hun :)

I was touched also, by a girl. I think she was my age. She was sitting a few tables from me when we were studying. I didn't think she noticed me at first. However, as I tried to walk out of the library after I calmed down, she paused and tried to stretch out a hand, asking me in a concerned tone, "Are you alright now?"

That was all it took. My heart somewhat warmed up and I was really touched. I don't know how to react to it during that time though. I just mumbled a yes and left quickly. I didn't even say thanks! From then... I realise how little it took to make someone feel better. Just a word of care, and it could be from anyone.

I hope somehow, somehow, she could read this and know that I was touched because her concern :)

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