Monday, May 16, 2011

free time;

There are many things that I am. I am a capricious creature. You can't predict how I will feel the next second, the next minute, the next hour.The pendulum swings all the time; and during when the pendulum is high up I could either be insanely jolly! or moody. Both are quite extreme, and I don't think people can handle it all that well sometimes.Haha. They don't know what I'm thinking, but  often times, I don't either. Heh. Bear with me people! The big wheel of mood revolves, and I'm usually back to normal in no time :D

I'd been persistently pestered by my friends to write, and finally, after a long long while, the blogger in me creeps out. I'm stretching and warming up. My use of language has been deteriorating. Few days ago, I went to my old blog and I realised I wrote so differently then. I use to read a lot (and I mean, A LOT) of Chick Lits when I was younger and so the language I use is more...I don't know, just different. Haha -.-

Since there is not much inspiration, I'll just go on with how my college life had been like so far. The biggest shock would be me dropping Physics. It's probably no big deal, but I had never imagine myself dropping out of a subject. I use to believe that although I don't do awesome in Physics, I could cope well. Not anymore. It got so alien to me I just totally couldnt' take in anymore, mentally and emotionally. I was a a tiny bit  extremely bugged about whether or not this would affect my UK Uni application, but apparently? Not really. A huge relief! I'm now officially a carefree girl! Haha

I wish.

I am Secretary for two clubs in college, and it's driving me a little crazy. Especially when both clubs have events at around the same time, I don't know how to split myself. Don't get me wrong, I like the job, but it has it's drawbacks. Commitment. Time constraints. Something else. The VP advised me to give up one post. I am considering it. Yes. No. Yes. No. BAH.

With the work load, I get less sleep and therefore fighting against the "bed gravity" is getting immensely tough. I see a bed (or a couch for that matter), I sleep on the bed. Any where, any time.  My biological clock is screwed up, but I survive. Sem exam is coming and I just cannot afford to waste time (we shall not count right now) anymore :((( I just wish my relaxing nature (ahem SJH?) would leave me for awhile.
I will study Chemistry today. Hopefully.

There will be photo uploads soon. I don't know when, but a little wait is fun sometimes. Eh heh heh.


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