Tuesday, September 13, 2011

3/4 part of a promised post!

(written on 10/9 Saturday, posted today 13/9 Tuesday)

Hello princes and little fairies! A post on my cruise trip, as promised!

Last week, my parents brought us three on a cruise trip, on Star Cruise. Everyone knows this cruise. It was very famous. 5 or more years back, that is. Honestly though, it was very well-maintained. You wouldn't know it was an old cruise if I had kept my mouth shut. Their interior, good as new! Anw, prior to Malaysia's National Day, it was super crowded on deck. Practically sardined. Lucky I'm so stick-thin and all that. Haha! Aw c'mon,take a chill pill, little jokes(!), we're still in the midst of a holiday, no matter how close we are to the end of it!

interior of the cruise.

I love the "soapy foam" look of the sea. I can imagine mermaids waving at me from down there!

Now, who do I look like more? You can make the comparisons ;)

We had to take these little boats to Redang Island :) Big cruises will harm the coral beds

I present to you....REDANG ISLAND! YOU.CANNOT.IMAGINE.THE.BEAUTY.OF.THE.SIGHT. Totally caught me off-guard! Who knows a little heaven like this exists in Malaysia?

 Brother posing for the camera.

Sisterly love

A lot of hammocks around the beach! I can take a book and read there the entire day. Enjoy the breeze and a little little bit of the sun. Thank god for coconut trees, presence of shadows! If not for it, I won't look too pretty all dark and brown :D

I adore this photo of my mum and sister. It's somehow sweet in an unexplainable way.

The trio! <3

Me dad and sissy!

PS: I really love to elaborate, but I''m getting quite tired. I'd just put short captions whenever I can. :<

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