Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tribal prints + Flora shorts

Tribal top - F21
Flora high-waisted shorts - Amoeba

I am wasting my time at home. Free enough to take photographs of my outfits.
Since when has holidays started getting so dull? I need to get my butt out of the house and start hunting for a job. I wish I could start now, but unfortunately no. Not before I had my....I'll tell you peeps next week! I don't want to get too excited lest I accidentally jinxed myself. Dear God, please let it go as plan!

Alright, I have nothing more to say. Getting back to my reads! 
Boy, this is such a miserable post.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Out in the afternoon;

After hearing all raves about how awesome this little cafe is from friends, I finally gave it a try at My Liberica Coffee with the peeps today- Andrea, Nat, and Mao- as a farewell outing before Nat flies off to France tomorrow. I must say, it's definitely a place for a round of little chit chats. Its warm tones and wooden-finishing furnitures set the ambience just right for comfort and makes you feel right at home. 

Coco crepe cake, a definite must-try! The cakes served here are different everyday, and we're fortunate we got to try this flavour!  This is pretty good for me! The sweetness and bitterness level of it is just enough, and its creaminess literally melts in your mouth ooh ohh love.
Hokkaido Milk Crepe cake. 
Again, after much recommendation from Mao, we tried these mushroom chicken pie and oh my god, was it good! Good is an understatement of course. They are freaking amazing! The best I've had in ages! The only flaw is its too small, just one isn't enough. Dear me, I'm missing it right now. The crust and the mushroom fillings. I could dream of them tonight. 

Mao's orange-liquor(?) coffee and my own Espresso Conn Gelato. It's my very first time trying a "drink" like this, since I can't take strong coffee (I believe espresso is on the strong side...right?). This is irresistible, however. Scoops of vanilla ice-cream with a shot of espresso. Price? RM6
Are you kidding me, I had to order.
 They have a big price range of course. They have coffee like Blue Mountain  too and that costs a bomb, but apparently its really worth it. I bet if I ever did try that, I prolly wouldn't be able to sleep for at least 2 days. That's how terrible I am.

 Anyway, it does seem this is some paid advert isn't it? No. The food and coffee here (at least the ones we've tried) is pretty good, and priced reasonably I would say. 

And, of course, what's a blog post without some pictures of ourselves, eh?

Four of us looking absolutely...charming with pot plants and you start wondering if we asked the waitresses/baristas to take the photos for us. That, we did. And it's none other than our very own CherChiang, working part-time here in the cafe. Lucky girl! Andrea wanted to do part-time here, but apparently they aren't interviewing part-timers anymore. 

Photographer of the day! Chiang, if you're reading this, thank you so much! :)

It's crazy, really. We arrived at the cafe around 1.40PM and you wouldn't believe what time we left- around 7PM. Yes, that's right. More than 5 hours in a little cafe, just sitting there at our table, talking our butts off. I had no idea this was possible before today, haha. I barely felt the clock ticking away! I don't think we talked that much either! Time just...whoa. Take us by surprise literally. They say when you're having a good time, the world goes by, and you wouldn't notice shit. No lies.

The last photo before we went our separate ways. Today was fun. I realise this would be the last time in a long time four of us would hang out again, what with uni coming up and a new life in general. The soonest would be...December next year? That is if everyone is back. I don't know how to put it...but I'll miss you, HuanYi. Truly. Good luck there, and I wish you all the best!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

between the two

Where I'd been to last weekend :

That's right. I went to Fish Leong's Concert in Genting Highlands! Albeit reluctantly (long story).  
Headed up to Genting on Friday just to catch her live, that's about 4 hours drive and? I yawned throughout the concert. Not that it wasn't good. It was, I swear! It's just not my cup of tea. I don't understand Mandarin and so, this is actually a waste of my time there at the concert. Anyhow. This is my first Chinese concert, and really I gotta say, the people really do go miles to work a concert.

Glaring differences are...

 1. Costumes. Chinese singers more often than not, change their costumes after every three songs. No kidding. In that 3 hours, Fish changed into more than 5 costumes, and in one occasion, even changed her hairstyle. From experience, I know this almost never happens for English concerts, where the singers have on the same attire throughout.

2. Flying confetti/ ribbons/ paper planes/ props and floating bubbles. You could say this is only possible because it's an indoor concert. Bullshit. The last time I went to MLTR's concert (also held indoor), they had none of these. I love MLTR, but I gotta say, in terms of stage set-up and everything, Chinese concerts win hands down. Utterly and completely.

3. Dancers. I don't have to lie. The dancers that night wasn't a slight bit...OK, I don't know how to put it, but I wasn't amused. But still. There were dancers, the first time I'd seen in a concert.  

4. Lyrics on projectors. This is the best part of  many Chinese concerts. I know if you're fan enough, you are supposed to already remember the lyrics by heart, but as I've mentioned way earlier, I have a really bad memory and remembering all the lyrics is an impossible feat and I don't think I'm alone. So, I feel it's a really good thought to feature the words on a big screen so that fans could sing along with the artistes. Like having a karaoke-session! Except it's live!

With all that, you feel your money's worth. Even if Chinese concert tickets usually cost more, you really get what you paid for. Now, I stress, I'm NOT saying English concerts aren't worth it, I'm just saying the setting is completely different and since, by comparison, English tickets are usually on the lower side of the price scale, I suppose you do get what you put in the cash for, too.

Now, shall we stop talking about concerts and focus the limelight on me again. ;)
 What I wore, and a random shot of my phone's lock screen.

My, I really love the metal collar necklace. Instantly boosted the Appeal Level of my otherwise boring attire for that night! I've worn it a few times, and still I never got sick of it. Expensive, but a total dear. <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

healthy habits

Warning: Random insertion of unrelated photos everywhere in the post. 
Been doing nothing constructive for the past few weeks, but I've been trying to improve my lifestyle at the very least. For one, I've been waking up early almost everyday of the week, usually around 9-ish. But of course, there are days of inconsistency, especially if I've had a tiring day the day before. I could wake as late as 2pm, or once, as early as 4.30am just to go hiking (I'm fully aware how crazy that sounds).

Secondly, I've been drinking milk every day. If you must know, I have bones as brittle as...uh, glass? Anyway, this sudden flash of fear gripped me last week when one of my knee felt painful when I squatted. Wtf, even my grandma didn't have the problem at 65. I don't know what the problem is exactly, maybe degeneration of collagen, calcium or what not. Self-'medication'? Drink lots of milk. I sincerely hope the next time I do a squat jump, I don't bend over out of pain.

Cereal breakfast! On alternate days when I'm feeling especially healthy, I'll take cereals. The first time I had them this week, I felt really...happy? I don't know. Surging hormones. They bring weird emotions. Anyway. I was happy. I miss cereals soaked in fresh milk, until its all soggy. Disgusting and absolutely delicious! And of course,  cornflakes and kokokrunch tops my Favourite Cereals List!

I mentioned earlier I went hiking, yes? Frankly speaking, on my now pretty vacant to-do-things-during-my-break list (LOL, I have a lot of lists don't I?), hiking was numbered 10000000. Translation? I never wanted to go walk 10km up and down a mountain I've never even heard of- Gunung Pulai. But mum wanted to, and I can't possibly let her and another friend go on their own. I know my mum, she isn't all that strong and hiking just wasn't a thing for those physically weaker. So, I had to go. 

And guess what? As much as I hate to admit it, I like the experience- not the part where I got bitten by shitload of mosquitoes- and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll go again. I feel healthy just breathing the air there, and working those muscles, trudging up the mountain. The word healthy seems foreign until lately, and hell am I missing it dearly! Definitely going to work out more from now on!   


ps: Photos taken recently while I was at Genting Highlands.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Other Me* Flash

|| mini update ||

Because there's so much time on my hands right now, I do occasionally change into outfits that I would never actually wear out into the sun, at least not at the moment when my style has gone back to the "Tee and Jeans/Shorts" combo. As a memento however, I usually would take a few snaps of the outcome.

This time around, I tried one that screams Rockstar! Haha. I know, I know. This isn't me. This is my other twin. So pretend not to be sniggering!

Result of my first attempt. What's next? Even I don't know! Be on the look out! Maybe I'll try Sweet&Princessy on my next post?

