Monday, July 9, 2012

healthy habits

Warning: Random insertion of unrelated photos everywhere in the post. 
Been doing nothing constructive for the past few weeks, but I've been trying to improve my lifestyle at the very least. For one, I've been waking up early almost everyday of the week, usually around 9-ish. But of course, there are days of inconsistency, especially if I've had a tiring day the day before. I could wake as late as 2pm, or once, as early as 4.30am just to go hiking (I'm fully aware how crazy that sounds).

Secondly, I've been drinking milk every day. If you must know, I have bones as brittle as...uh, glass? Anyway, this sudden flash of fear gripped me last week when one of my knee felt painful when I squatted. Wtf, even my grandma didn't have the problem at 65. I don't know what the problem is exactly, maybe degeneration of collagen, calcium or what not. Self-'medication'? Drink lots of milk. I sincerely hope the next time I do a squat jump, I don't bend over out of pain.

Cereal breakfast! On alternate days when I'm feeling especially healthy, I'll take cereals. The first time I had them this week, I felt really...happy? I don't know. Surging hormones. They bring weird emotions. Anyway. I was happy. I miss cereals soaked in fresh milk, until its all soggy. Disgusting and absolutely delicious! And of course,  cornflakes and kokokrunch tops my Favourite Cereals List!

I mentioned earlier I went hiking, yes? Frankly speaking, on my now pretty vacant to-do-things-during-my-break list (LOL, I have a lot of lists don't I?), hiking was numbered 10000000. Translation? I never wanted to go walk 10km up and down a mountain I've never even heard of- Gunung Pulai. But mum wanted to, and I can't possibly let her and another friend go on their own. I know my mum, she isn't all that strong and hiking just wasn't a thing for those physically weaker. So, I had to go. 

And guess what? As much as I hate to admit it, I like the experience- not the part where I got bitten by shitload of mosquitoes- and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll go again. I feel healthy just breathing the air there, and working those muscles, trudging up the mountain. The word healthy seems foreign until lately, and hell am I missing it dearly! Definitely going to work out more from now on!   


ps: Photos taken recently while I was at Genting Highlands.

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