Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A tiny update.

Here's my pink pony.

Hi, to all. Just here to announce that I'm officially a student again, a university student that is. I'm not sure how exactly I feel about it just yet, but mostly it's good positive feelings. I really love how the old me is coming back- I am no longer the anti-social the person I used to be while in college. Looking back, I felt I wasted one and half years keeping to myself. It felt like a great loss now.

Things would be different in uni, and I can't wait for classes to start. I haven't looked forward to school for a real long time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

10 random questions

I see you!

I have nothing to do right now, so I guess I'll answer some questions just to pass time, and also for you to get to know me slightly better. Random questions I got off the Internet.

1) Five ways to win your heart.
a. Being romantic- I'm a total sucker for it
b. Protective
c. Smart- and I don't only mean book-smart. Doing well in exams and being smart doesn't always go together.
d. Remembers little things about me
e. Enjoys my company

2) What do you want more than anything right now?
This is probably the most expected answer for question like this. I want a world full of love and kindness, and I wish violence never existed. And oh, throw in a hug as well.

3) A book you're reading
I'm reading so many things at once right now...Always stopping mid-way to read more books. If you're asking my current fav though, it'll be Bad Kitty by Michelle Jaffe. It's a really cute book, too young for my taste, but it's really funny. A good read for a bad day.

4) Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play 
Lucky - Jason Mraz ft Colbie Callait
Helena Beat - Foster the People
Unwell - Matchbox 20
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
You- Switchfoot
Friends, Lovers or Nothing - John Mayer
Where'd You Go - Fort Minor
Annie - James Blunt
Telling the World - Taio Cruz
Radio - Lana Del Ray

5) If you could go to any place right now where would you go? 
Happily travelling around Europe. But honestly? It's not where, it's the people who are important. You could bring me to the most beautiful place on Earth, but if I have no loved one to share it with me, there really is no point. 

6) Something you think "what if..." about. 
Examination results. What if I'd put in more effort, what if I concentrate more on that particular topic, what if I wasn't so careless... so many what ifs.

7) Things you'll like to change about yourself
Gee. There's so many things I'll to change. This needs a post on it's own. Probably next time.

8) What did you dream about last night?
I forgot. I remember who were inside though. My collegemates - Michelle, Shin Ying, Jin Yun, Sylvia, Foo, Chin Win.

9) What are your nicknames?
I hate this question so I'm not gonna say it. But here's a piece of my mind: Because of my surname, people poke fun at me, thinking they were just kidding. Kidding? Fuck you. You dont ridicule a person's name and tell them it's just for fun. This isn't just about me being petty. If you can't respect a friend, you don't deserve one. 

10) What do you do before going to bed?
Wash up, check Instagram, check Twitter, text the boyf, put eye drops (lol, had eye LASIK procedure done, in case you're wondering why), toss around, sleep.

Alright. The room is getting a tad too warm, gonna go shower now. Next time!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cake report

I forgot. I was to tell everyone how my red velvet cake turned out. Here's how: GODLY FANTASTIC! Considering it was my first time. Oh my god. I'm never gonna bake cookies again, they always disappoint me. Cakes are different. I have hope. The cooking/baking genes have not entirely dodged me after all, thank you celestial beings up there. Won't forget you, DNA, either. The right sperm had entered the right ovum.

Here, for proof:


Just kidding.That isn't my cake. I googled it.

OK. To be fair, the cake was only good taste-wise. Looks-wise, I would have gotten an award for Shittiest Looking Cake in the Universe, hands down everyone, please. What little appeal left of my "broken" (i didn't grease the mould enough, and it got stuck to the pan. I had to use a spoon to lift up the cake, which came out in pieces.) cake was immediately gone after I spread the cream cheese on it. It pains me to admit it, but the cake looks disgusting.

From this experience, apart from being a failure in cookies-baking, it appears I have no talent in frosting cakes either. I iz sad.

But, haven't we learnt? Do not judge a book (I mean, cake) by its cover. Looks are deceiving, and I didn't quite believe that until then. BECAUSE MY CAKE TASTED AWESOME. The cream cheese was really the cherry on top of the cake. Creamy and cheesy, lol what am I saying. I could just eat the cream on its own, really, it's that yummy.

As evidence that it was nice, my mum said I should def make it again, to improve you see. And my sister finished most of the cake on her own! I'm touched to tears, really. Shall make some changes the next time, "tweak" the recipe a bit, make the cake more moist, and to spruce up my frosting skills, which I need dire help with. SOS.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baking Endeavors.

I'm no master in the kitchen. In fact, I'm anything but one. Recent circumstances (read: BOREDOM) have forced me to succumb to baking though, and after a few times, I think I'm starting to get a little ambitious. From basic cookies to uh, chocolate coated ones! To date, my cornflakes cookies would be the most successful in my opinion, but only because my grandma was beside and she didn't really follow the recipe so...yeah.

Explains why they taste better than they should since, honestly speaking, all cookbooks have all but one purpose: to make newbies, like me, have all their hopes dashed and crushed into crumbles. REPEAT.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna step out of my comfort zone and venture out into baking CAKES instead. Yes, I'm pretty impatient, I noticed. But the very reason I got tired of making cookies is because I don't really eat them after I made them, and it became really wasteful after awhile. Cakes? Cakes are different. I love cakes. Well... not crazy fanatic about them or anything, but I love them well enough to actually have the heart to learn them properly (unlike cookies). I don't know, that's what I feel right now. I may have better luck with cakes than them cookies. I hope.

The determination is there though, strong and steady! BECAUSE :

Not that I can have you with me on my bed. My mum would bake me in the oven and serve, table for 10 please?

Anyway, tomorrow, I may speak differently, if my red velvet cake comes out a total fiasco.

Which...I wouldn't be surprised if it does and am wholly mentally-prepared for. *roll eyes* I'll just retire to the fact that these baking-and-other-housewifey genes just managed to skip a generation and leave me with absolutely nothing that'll make me a moderately good, home-maker. If I was born in older times, I'll be banished into the wild mountains my stilettos.

Eheh. ;) Goodnight!

PS: Will update whether or not my cake turns out OKAY.