Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baking Endeavors.

I'm no master in the kitchen. In fact, I'm anything but one. Recent circumstances (read: BOREDOM) have forced me to succumb to baking though, and after a few times, I think I'm starting to get a little ambitious. From basic cookies to uh, chocolate coated ones! To date, my cornflakes cookies would be the most successful in my opinion, but only because my grandma was beside and she didn't really follow the recipe so...yeah.

Explains why they taste better than they should since, honestly speaking, all cookbooks have all but one purpose: to make newbies, like me, have all their hopes dashed and crushed into crumbles. REPEAT.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna step out of my comfort zone and venture out into baking CAKES instead. Yes, I'm pretty impatient, I noticed. But the very reason I got tired of making cookies is because I don't really eat them after I made them, and it became really wasteful after awhile. Cakes? Cakes are different. I love cakes. Well... not crazy fanatic about them or anything, but I love them well enough to actually have the heart to learn them properly (unlike cookies). I don't know, that's what I feel right now. I may have better luck with cakes than them cookies. I hope.

The determination is there though, strong and steady! BECAUSE :

Not that I can have you with me on my bed. My mum would bake me in the oven and serve, table for 10 please?

Anyway, tomorrow, I may speak differently, if my red velvet cake comes out a total fiasco.

Which...I wouldn't be surprised if it does and am wholly mentally-prepared for. *roll eyes* I'll just retire to the fact that these baking-and-other-housewifey genes just managed to skip a generation and leave me with absolutely nothing that'll make me a moderately good, home-maker. If I was born in older times, I'll be banished into the wild mountains my stilettos.

Eheh. ;) Goodnight!

PS: Will update whether or not my cake turns out OKAY.

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