Sunday, January 24, 2010


I'm back people!
& my spine almost broke from all the walking yesterday.

I had an amazing time shopping with Nat yesterday. First stop for us was Orchard Road, where we hit FarEast (where I got my pink hair extension!), Ngee Ann City, Tang's, Wisma Atria (I think) and Ion. There's the SALE word in neon colours everywhere. We were crazy excited, but I wished it was my own money I'm spending. I don't like to spend my parents' money too much, so my wildest desire to buy every single thing my heart throbbed for was kept reluctantly, but very safely at the back of my thoughts.

By the way, Taka. was nice. Nat and I laughed our heads off when we saw BreakUps & Rejection, which, if I'm not wrong, was a book which teaches people how to blow off people. Like say, in a club, some losers come up to you and even worse, used a corny pick-up line, what should we do? We tell the person nicely, but very firmly: "Sorry, but I don't date straight guys.". OK, so I know THAT'S not remotely funny, but its the only one I remembered.

We spent almost half an hour in a tiny shop called DIVA in VivoCity yesterday. All the accessories, even tho limited, are just so pretty. I got myself a really gorgeous charm bracelet with hearts and lockets and shell flowers :) The price, converted to MYR is around 40 plus, but its super worth it cuz there's about 11 of them in that chunk of bracelets! Every one of which was damn handsome lo. HuanYi's one was even better. Coins bracelet. Annoying, but totally a looker ;)

By the way, if you think my eye sight was terrible, you would fall from your chair from unbelievable-ty if you heard HuanYi's case. Although I should take what she did as a compliment, but its totally unacceptable! This girl's bladder suddenly twinged hard, and so she went to the toilet, while I waited outside for her with her cousin. Since I don't really know the cuzzie yet, I stood opposite her, beside a shop, to avoid awkward conversation...2 minutes later, she emerged from the toilet, looked at me, then asked her cousin "Eh, wo de peng you ler?" When her cuzzie pointed at me she was like "omg! i didn't see you!" Apparently, she mistook me for a mannequin. Can you believe this!

Anw, back to topic: Forever 21 is officially my favourite store now. I loooooovvvveeeee the clothes in there. Tho its more to the mature side, but they're totally gorgeous. Very eye-catching, and I just adore those studded tops and the black sequins dress and the urban-style printed tees and the jeans-like leggings and the gray colour splashed sweater and the.....the list goes on.Tho I cannot afford them all, at least I wore it once. In the fitting room. Happy Sigh.

We went home around 6, I think. The journey back home was exhausting, but funny. Who'd expect Nat to tell me that when she was younger, she used to thought Tampines was pronounced as Ten Penis? This girl is just insanely ridiculous. and oh, no worries, I did tell her, Ten Penis is actually very grammatically wrong. It SHOULD have been Ten Penises. TAM-PI-NE-SES. TAMPINESES

Gotta run now! Hope to upload photos later!

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