Been listening to MLTR a lot these two days, thanks to Flo. Haha. Those songs are seriously my all-time favourite. Listening to them makes me cry tho, a few tracks like 25 Minutes. Haha. Yeah, hopeless romantic I know. Lol.
God, after PE today, I couldn't feel my butt after running the entire field in fast pace. I'm not kidding, literally, you feel butt-less. Determined to stay firm and stand tall even tho my legs felt like jellos, but collapsed on the ground eventually. Maybe I'm not used to running so much just yet, tho I admit I do run on the treadmill occasionally. Um, maybe when I'm having a Fat moment. Oh, you know what I mean by that: Fat Moment, is when you feel especially fat and gross, say, after having MCD.
It's not stopping yet. The "raging chatbox war" I mentioned earlier. God, as much as I love gossip, I actually think the person is handling it all superbly well...I swear I'm impartial to this, although, I don't lie, that I did go sampat a bit, tan ting tan ting a bit... -- To be honest....deep down, I don't even know the reason why all these have to go this way.
Blimey, two months seemed to pass so bloody fast! Jon will be going back soon! So hope my mum will agree to let me out tomorrow. Another gathering with old mateys before Jon returns to NZ on the 24th :( Chances are pretty low tho, I guess. I've got art class tomorrow.
Speaking of which.
Did I broadcast to the world that I've finally started oil painting?! After all these years! Haha. It's great fun, layering the colours :) I'll try to post a pic of my current piece if I managed to finish it by next's um, quite interesting. Haha. Oil painting, is all rainbows and sunshine (as in, it makes me really happy), but one total sucky downside is the cleaning part! Messy work! Oil oil oil. Plus, I got a huge patch of green paint on the tip of my nose for the whole half period last week without realizing it! Only noticed it when bro "YERRRR!" and laughed when he turned his head. ugh.
Well, Tick tock, tick tock,
I'll be off now! xx
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