Mood swings does trigger me to do shocking stuffs. Shocking for others.
For instance, today, in bus. I'm usually quite silent and tend to keep to myself around people I don't really know, and that's how I am during my journey home everyday. The people in my bus are good-natured people, though a teeny bit boisterous at times, chatting loudly and even yelping sometimes -- I'm fine with all that, ONLY if I'm not trying to get some sleep after all the hours spent in school, all the time worrying about not being able to catch up with school work. It's taxing you know, even though I'm not using any physical energy whatsoever. So when my fellow bus mates DO make noise, I flare up. It's irrational, but I get really irritated. Today, I think I scared one kid in the bus. Everyone was more silent after that. Good for me.
Went to Art class today, and I'm a little disappointed I had to pencil sketch. Bah. I prefer water painting, mixing colours in the palette. It's like creating magic at times, cuz you can never have the same colour everytime you blend them together, and it can be surprisingly pretty too :) Anyway, pencil sketching needs a lot of time, for all the details, that sort, and every knows I'm not that meticulous a person. : /
WHY DO GIRLS BITCH ABOUT ONE ANOTHER? Or worse still, of their supposed best buddies? It never fails to amuse me how some people can act all friendly in front of the people they actually hate. I'm not even saying friendly as in "Oh, hi. How's your day?" friendly, I'm saying laughing-making jokes-hanging out-together friendly. In front of the "victims", they can be like "Oh, your hair's so pretty!", "Oh. you're so generous.", "Oh, let me help you..."...Oh this, Oh that, all the sugar-coated lies, sucking up to the "victims", kissing their asses.
BUT what happens when the victims turn their heads? Those insecure, low-self esteemed cows will bitch relentlessly about them. How terrible the supposed-buddy actually looks having her hair braided, how disgusting the way she behaves, how she thinks she's so pretty, how she thinks she can...etc etc. I mean, seriously, don't you people have a CONSCIENCE? How two-faced can you people be? How pretentious can you get?
Why are you so miserable? Is it jealousy or contempt? If so, why do you have to put on a mask and pretend? Also, does humilliating and putting down others satisfy you?
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