Saturday, May 15, 2010

So much to do, so little time.

Time spent in the kitchen is a hectic one.

ECA today was a flurry of baking activities- measuring flour and sugar, beating the eggs, heating the oven, kneading the dough, swiss-rolling the dough...and frying mee hoon, not that its a "baking activity". It's a lot of work, but it's fun, and I love that we now get along okay with fellow schoolmates we'd never talked to since the first day of school four years ago until we sign up to the cookery club. Most of them are really easy-going people :)

Card making is making me busy, and the worst thing I could face when I make cards is having nil inspirations, and when I have no inspiration, I tend to mull over it for a long time, waiting for the "ting!" to come, and hours passed by just like that. AND whenever that happens, I don't have enough time to do other chores like homework or watching TV (I'm only human). Luckily, my progress is uh, not so bad. 3 cards in one week.... Oh alright, so I know that's very bad progress but spare me, I'm busy everyday.

Will be busy tomorrow too. I've got to go for performance practice at NINE in the morning tomorrow. So much for sleeping in even for a single weekend. Tomorrow will be exhausting, I bet. What with all the dancing and prancing around the studio, singing too. I'm hoping the practice goes perfect though, cuz it'll be the last one before the actual performance on Teacher's Day. OOhh, looking forward to this year's (!), cuz everyone knows it won't be as dead boring like last year's considering what we'd witnessed some other group performing on reheasal that day. Especially 5B's :) Their's was awesome.

Have to start getting busy checking on industrial design courses too. Oh yes, I've decided...I want to go to this field, and I guess, in a way, it suits me best. I hope I'm making a right and definite choice about this finally. Wish me luck.


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