Wednesday, February 9, 2011

oh nvm

AHAHA. I decided not to post anything about HatYai in the end. Its too much of a drag. There's too much photos. Bah. This is a picture of me showing off my bad skin nowadays : /  damn it, hormones.

Anyway, I can say Hatyai is a place worth going for once. Its a nice place for food, but one trip there will enough. It's a small town and you can basically cover it all up in 2 days 1 night.

If I have a chance, I would def. bring my friends to the places I went. Recomendations are The Floating Market, Log Terrace Restaurant and Water View Restaurant. All these 3 places are for foodies. Haha. Log Terrace and Water View have very nice views- you almost don't expect something like that to exist in Hatyai. Lolz.

I went to a Cabaret show. featuring "ah guas". Lol. It was an experience, but it wasn't a really good one. :/

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