It feels beyond good to be at home finally :D
I have gotten used to the life in Subang, thanks to my incredible adaptability. Heh Heh. Nah, just kidding. I adapt well, but its not incredible. Too bad. So, i still miss home terribly. When I think of home, many things come to mind. The first, of course, is my family and all the little petty arguments and hearty laughter. Next comes the comforts of sitting on the couch to watch TV or blasting the radio, listening to 98.7 - to catch up on new songs. Then, I think about my big soft soft bed, and all the fluffy pillows on it. HAH. And... well, there's just to much to list out why I love being home right now.
Oh, wait, did I mention not having to spend my own money at all when i'm home? Just lovely ;)
I just cannot understand how it's Chinese New Year Eve tomorrow. It's so soon! I'm not ready for it, really. I remember how excited we all were about CNY when we were younger. We helped put up the decorations during then. As we age, things change. Most of us deem CNY as "boring' or "time to rot at home" or "ah, sien"- something along that line. We no longer celebrate this festive period the way we once did. Less visiting, less fireworks, less spirit, less joy, less everything. Ah, humans of the 21st century. Most (note: i say most. You're not necessarily in this category, I know) of us are drifting away from our family and relatives.
I, for one, am. Drifting from my relatives, i mean. My direct/distant cousins, we don't talk. My distant relatives, we meet once a year, or once every two/three years. It sucks and I'm envious of my friends who have really good relationship with their relatives. Ah well.
Another reason why I'm not up for CNY this time around is cuz i'm sick as a dog. I skipped class today. Bah. I feel horrible, with my nose stucked and my non-stop coughing. Not to mention, I was and still am a little dizzy. Wth. I blame it on the weather- wet, hot,wet, hot! And myself, of course. For not drinking enough water after I lost my bottle. :/ Now I suffer the consequences. So much for enjoying CNY cookies and bak kua!!! Worse still, mum bought famous amos cookies, and I cant have any of it. Dayeum.
Tata, xx
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