Monday, January 24, 2011

Should be going

Arghh. Crapitty crap crap. I just came back to my room with my heart set on reading my biology textbook. I was going to do it! Determined and all. But alas, here I am, sitting in front of my laptop surfing the net, doing nothing. How can anyone be doing nothing? Beats me. I have no idea either. I guess nothing means stuff that does not benefit me whatsoever, intellectually.

I realise I have just answered my own question. Oh heck.

I have been rather unproductive of the late, and this is very very bad considering its only, like, what, the second week of college? It surprises me how fast the homework is accumulating. Everything is a little different here. Like Nat, I kinda miss the teachers in high school. I miss them spoon-feeding us information. In college, u're almost entirely on your own. Little help is given. Lecturers just talk and u down whatever. The tough part bout it is that you don't know which is necessary, which is not. Bah. I REALLY gotta read up soon.

Even though I complain a little 'bout the "no spoon-feed" thingy, i'm still pretty glad bout everything that had happened so far. I have gotten to know more people and the social circle is expanding. Almost every time, we have new people at our lunch/dinner table. I like this part bout college. This is something that we couldnt' have in high school, where since the first day of school, you alredi have your own "clique" - not that i'm saying i'm still not in a clique now (i still am), but like i said, its expanding.

I effing hate the lighting in my room. Its so dim. Even typing this out is making me sleepy, wth. : / bye

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