Saturday, January 8, 2011

new chapter

 It's kinda surreal, the fact that I'm going college soon- 10 more days, to be exact.

It only seemed like yesterday, when I just entered Primary school, bouncing up and down everyday. Back then, life treated me well (Not that I'm saying my life sucks now, thank god). I was carefree and I could afford to adopt a lackadaisical attitude. Mum used to say I was a "happy-go-lucky" kinda of girl, too. Come to think of it, I still am; only now, I know when is the right time for it. Oh come on, don't give me that disapproving look, the real world out there (wars, political feuds, poverty etc.) is depressing enough, I need internal peace and happiness, and for that, I tend to be more easy going and worry less about what the future held for me.

That would change, of course. I would be more serious and not take important things as lightly as I had before. I'm 18 now. It's unreal how time flew past that soon. I have left high school and I am crossing the barrier between being a high school student to being a college freshman, and I cannot wait :)

Sure, I would be leaving my family and friends and the boyf behind, but it's all for the best; it's for my future, no kidding. Right now, I imagine how my first week in college would be. Would I be able to make new friends? Would I adapt well living in The Hole (inside joke, heh heh)? Would I suck in doing my own laundry for the first time in my life (i realise that makes me sound like some primsy princess, but i swear i am not; I'm just lucky enough to have a maid at home)? Would I be home sicked? Would I miss him so badly that I'd start tearing up and wish I could take the next bus home just to see him, and my family as well?

I guess I would for all the above...well, except for taking the bus home after just one week - my parents would kill me and it'll make me look pathetic because I'm not independent enough. Lolz.
Oh well, lucky I have my buddies in KL. and a web cam :) Everything is much easier that way.

My room is in a disastrous state right now. Clothes, socks, shoes, bags are strewn everywhere. I have started to pack for college. There is just so much to pack (my parents want me to be more prepared, so they say its better if i just get what I needed for college here in JB, instead of buying them in KL)! I even made a checklist! Haha. Two pages long =.= I have stuffed most things into the luggage now, only a few odd stuff to get - like a wastepaper basket, shower slipper, umbrella and all that. I hope I can buy them soon. It is better to get things done early than procrastinate them until it's too late. I learnt from mistakes. Haha :)

There is just so much to do right now. Apart from packing, I still have to learn how to cook and do the laundry. I have an IPL hair removal appointment to go. I have stationery to get. I have photos to develop. I have presents to wrap. I have a date to go. I have an outing with friends to go - it's ZW's birthday next week! I have...many many many things to do. So much to do, so little time. How I wish there is an extra hour every day. In that extra hour, maybe drastic changes can occur, decisions can be made, arguments can be settled- instead of prolonging them to the next day.

What a bother that would be huh?


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