Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a new start.

There are many times a day when inspirations would hit me, and I would get the sudden urge to write in here, and at the same time, dust off the dirt layering on my blog page. But (yes, its annoying isn't it? There's always an excuse one way or another), college has started and the past few days had been crazy hectic here in Subang Jaya. There's so much to do. Moving in is not exactly a breeze considering (fine, I admit) I've never really done housework before. I'm not proud of it and I kinda resent the fact that I've not done all these washing/cleaning/ironing before cuz now I gotta learn it the hard way : / Luckily tho, I have friends to guide me. :)

I won't be surprised if my family won't recognise me the next time they see me because I sincerely suspect my skin would turn a few (not just one) shades darker :'( Every where here is within walking distance, so to save on transportation cost, we walk. That is not the problem tho. The real pain in the butt is the ever hot weather here in KL.10 minutes in the sun, and you'll be soaking in sweat. The pollution here in the city is not very favourable either :( Anyways,

Today was Orientation day for all the CAL students in Taylor's. I gotta say...my seniors were right. Sure, there were some games and sort but well... it's still kinda boring. The briefing by the school officials were a bit of a drag, but its not "deathening". As freshmen, we were brought for a campus tour by the seniors. I really like my Student Helper, May. She was really enthusiastic and and laughed a lot- which was what we really needed cuz well, we're all new and we tend to get really tensed. Our mentor is Mr. Leong...I heard he's a pretty good teacher but he speaks very slow lor --. I hope Physics class won't be hell : /

Some of us are strung together in the same class, others are not. I cannot be more relieved to find out I'm not alone - HuanYi's with me. Met some new people of cuz. One of the students that have left quite an impression was Kelvin- he's quite a joker  and looks a tiny bit like Adam Lambert (if he were to be with make-up on lar). For the rest... I can only remember those with English names. wth. My brain has only that much capacity to memorise names and that is not a good thing. Eesh.

Tomorrow would be the start of class and I wonder how my lecturers would look like, how they would conduct their lessons and how effective it would be... I hope all goes well :)


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