Sunday, January 9, 2011

to bring or not to bring

IF I could, I would pack everything- and i mean everything.

So, one and the half years in KL doesn't sound too much of a drag, I know. Time will pass faster than we expect them to. Leaving behind some stuffs for such a short period of time is ok, right? But no, to me, these are the things that I see every single day. All those belongings in my room... I wake up to them every morning. It'll be kinda tough to part with them. Sure, I've been to holidays and all that, but this is not really the same. I'll be away for a long term this time. :( I am the sentimental type. I keep random notes and letters written by my friends and family. I wish I could bring all of them- but where will I keep them in my tiny cubicle for a room in college? : / No where. So I might have to leave many things behind. Things and people.

anw...I just went to the clicnic just now. Finally. I've been coughing my lungs out since last week. This morning, it finally dawned on me that self-medication doesn't always work. Eesh. The doc said it's some virus infection or wth. wtf. Now, i gotta take cough syrup (yuck) and some..."sweets". I hate taking medicine :( PLEASE make me feel better soon.

Ta. this is a very random ramble.


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