Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I know how some people are really attracted to this quality, a quality I do not quite possess. Many find people with this characteristic perfectly honest and hence, they do not doubt their opinions and views on certain things, say on fashion, music tastes, preferences...and all sorts. You get the idea. They do not mind offending the other parties so long as they get their message across. What's on their mind, they blurt it out, whether  or not it would hurt others. Some people prefer to have friends like that, friends who are really straight-forward with what they think and feel.

I am not the same, and honestly, I don't want to be that person either. Even to my own best friend, I believe in subtlety, no need to get too direct unless I'm feeling snappy or moody. I treat people like how I like them to treat me, people I like, that is. As for those I can't be bothered with, well, I seriously cannot give a damn to them. Too many things on my plate, you know what I mean? Anyway, as I was saying, I prefer subtlety over straight-forwardness. I can't take it, to be honest. I am very sensitive towards others' opinions. I care. Even something slightly negative about me, I get kinda pissed. Petty, you might say, but I've tried to not care,and failed repeatedly.

Don't get me wrong though. I'm still honest with my opinions, except that before I say something, I would consider the person first. Consider whether or not she could handle the direct truth, or she is, like me, sensitive to criticism. If she is anything like me, I would tell her what's on my mind, only gently. Insert the truth, but give it to him or her one dose at a time. Slowly.

What I dislike most about people who are direct is that they are often...what you call? Tactless? No, I don't think that's the word, but I don't know which word to replace it with. Like say, for example. Someone asked me something I'm really awkward about. I got really uncomfortable and say something that is true, but not entirely. Then, someone in the corner would very loudly question me jokingly. The someone is a good friend, and I really like her, but when I say something that isn't really honest...don't you think I have a reason for it? Jokingly or not, and although I may appear to laugh it off, but really, I am annoyed with it.

There. I've said it. I figure I cannot always bottle it up. So yes. A piece of my mind. But no worries. I'm over it. xx


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