Tuesday, August 23, 2011


It had been the longest time since I last blogged. I kind of miss it, but what's strange is inspiration never seems to hit me nowadays. Last time, when I first started blogging, I had plenty to say, plenty to write. Ideas kept bouncing off me. Now...well, I suppose the only reason could be that i'm reading less now. Drastically less, no kidding. The only reading material I read now are popular blogs (mainly superficial stuff) and..uh, lesson notes. I'd been doing this the past seven months while I'm in college. Having no time is no excuse, I know. I could honestly say I'm not as passionate about reading anymore. As I grow older, I dedicate more of time to...well, anything else other than having a book laying on my lap.

I regret the fact that I've grown more lazy, in the sense that I'd been putting off reading for awhile now. I'm less imaginative now, and I could really sense how it's affecting the way I write and speak too. I don't write as smoothly as before. The condition of having a "writer's block" is ever present. My grammar is as bad as before, if not worse. My command of english is seriously like...there's no more other word more appropriate than: SHIT.

After exams (oh yes, I'm having my trial exams now!), I would go to the library more often. Not to just revise, but to really read all the genre of books I used to love, namely romance and mystery. No excuse for not having enough time, aye?

So...Wish me luck! Hopefully my next post is of better English than this. That's all for now.

ps:This post is really kinda pointless. Pointless rant. FML.

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