Hello, Hello sweet earthlings!
I just returned from Taiwan a few days ago, and only today, I got around to edit my photos and also post an entry just because I feel very...bloggy today. Whatever bloggy means- but you get what I mean. I got the drive (LOL, so dramatic) today!Taiwan is a really nice place, and I would so love to go there again. Maybe next time, I'll go around Spring or Summer. Winter isn't my favourite season of the year for a few very understandable reasons.
Firstly -I absolutely detest wearing bulky coats. Layering clothes after clothes- ughh. Other than the fact that I'll look huge in photos, its' also quite bothersome when it comes to shopping. Can you imagine peeling one top after another every time you wanna try on the new blouse in the boutique? What's worse is you have to do it really fast because our tour guide gave us a really short span of time to shop and there's about....rows and rows of shops. You have no idea how I wished I could duplicate myself like an amoeba during then. I end up not trying most of my new clothes. Just bought them right away since they're all free-sizes. So much to shop, so little time.
Secondly, Shopping is fun yes, but not really so when every direction you see are winter coats, fluffy ear muffs, leather gloves and an impossibly large array of woolen scarves from neons to pastels. They're so pretty! It really sucks because I'm from a tropical country and these stuffs would never be worn when its a steaming 40 degree Celsius out here! Ok, so I exaggerated, but it feels like it is that hot. Like a frigging desert sometimes. *Shakes head* note: Having said that, I still managed to buy a whole luggage worth of new clothes.
Thirdly, Holiday season = crowd. Practically sardined (!), especially when we were in the National Palace Museum. Not the ideal place to be at when there's so many people. The smell of body odor and strong cologne wasn't very pleasant either.
Uh, that's about all the dislikes for winter! Haha, funny, i was supposed to tell you about my trip but ended up with the rantings. I suppose I'll do it it the next post! By the way, despite all the winter-complaints, I'm pretty happy with the overall trip. Will update somemore with photos and tell you briefly the places I went to (this includes a STRIP CLUB *gasps!*).
Toodles ;)
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