Thursday, April 26, 2012

fun columns;

Here you go! Picture of a cowgirl-wannabe before we start!

Columnists. Not just any Tom Dick and Harry who writes in boring columns that no one ever reads in the magazine, newspaper, or any other medium. You know, the type of columns with zero dedicated readership? 

No. What I'm referring here is this type: Funny, sarcastic (Seriously, there could be no better combination than these two put together!) columnists that would have me snickering in a corner all by myself, inviting numerous times of raised eyebrows from the boyfriend sitting there doing his work. Man, how I absolutely love them. I'm a sucker for good informative articles with an....attitude? Uh, alright, I'm not sure if that's the right word. Articles where I can gain knowledge, and ridiculous amount of snorted laughter. Some columnists just have that way of writing so creative it exhausts you. The way they string the words together...I mean plenty of people could do it just as well! But, Well, I don't know, i just have a thing for that sort of columnists.

I started reading a LOT of columns when I was...very very youn- OK, truth be told, it all began only last month, and I'm HOOKED. I put things aside just to read them. A very good example would be right now, when I should be either be 1. Sleeping or 2. doing some real concrete revision (Finals is in about... 2 WEEKS. THAT'S RIGHT. I SHOULD BE GOING IN ABOUT 2 SECONDS), and not be writing about how very amused I am by the writings of some trenchantly witty columnists on the websites who live at the other side of the world, and who, I believe, are under-credited for their work.

BYE. Off to read some more articles *throws revision notes aside*

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