Thursday, May 31, 2012


The very much anticipated day finally arrived. One and the half years flashed pass, and as of 29/5/12 , I am officially done and over with A Levels. The relief, I'm telling you, it's more than I imagined. The past weeks hadn't been all very smooth. The papers were tough, and the heart, anxious and scared. I dare say the possibility of not reaching the University's entry requirements haunts everyone, and it wouldn't go away until Results Day, on 13th August. For now, we wait. 

and wait.

Oh heck, let's just make the best out it and go have some well-deserved fun!

In my case, self-rewarding shopping trips and oozing good food! Went to Midvalley with Natalie after the papers. Was I glad I went!  At long last, I got my beloved bralette from Topshop. I'd posted a photo of it on Instagram, go see, go see! ;) A firm tummy is all I need to bring the bralette full justice. Not working for it at the moment, but I promise,  it shall come! Give me some time. Maybe in a week or two. 

And then the food! All through the exam period, all I've eaten was food from college cafeteria, ASIA CAFE (AC) and McDonalds. Had been rotating between that three places. True, AC does have a lot to choose from, but I got sick of it quick enough. The same place over and over again. Ahh. No more days like that!
Treated myself better right after the finals, and of course, for that, I can't miss out SUSHI ZANMAI.

Mad love the place. Cheap awesome Japanese food. Yums.

Sorry, I only have three photos. Me and Natalie ordered a few more actually, but honestly, we're too distracted by the food in front of us. When was the last time we had a good meal? I don't remember! We ordered grilled (I think) salmon, and their Chocolate Banana Parfait. Do I really need to say how absolutely yum they were? It's literally foodgasm.

Going back there real soon! Cannot wait! The next trip we'll be able to afford more because next time around, we'll have a RM20 voucher with us. Yippees! More Tamago Mentais please! <3


Sunday, May 6, 2012


Hi again you lovely earthlings! Last two weeks, I'd been feelin really bloggy, and had posted about 5 posts in 2 weeks, and that is really a record I'm pretty proud of! Aha! Sadly, I wil be On hiatus from tomorrow onwards until at least 29th May, the last day of my finals (wheepee!) . After then, be expect to see a lot of me! So often u'll even find me a tad annoying and maybe stoop checking out my blog :'( anywayyyy, more posts, I promise. The moment when I'm a free bird.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

outfit posts;

Diamante studded  shorts: Forever 21 
Starry cropped top: Taiwan.

 Top: Birthday gift from HuanYi
Locket Necklace: Vincci Accessories.

Hello sweet earthlings. This would be a very short post. Just thinking maybe I'll tell you guys I'll start posting some outfit posts soon (and by soon, I mean after my finals). I feel its quite wasteful to put in the effort to wear nice clothes, but not document it. So here, expect to see more photos soon, and this time this is a real promise. Haha. As for now, two simple photos first. Not much, but hey, its a start!

    Oversized top: Forever 21

I'll try to keep the posts coming! ;) And oh, my darling friends, please do not find me annoying if I asked you to take a picture or two or three or a dozen of me in my outfits. Teehee! ;) Love you berry much. Nighty night peeps!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dread and excitement

Hi, another picture of me at Bentley's Music before a long wordy ass blog entry. again.

Today marks the first day of May, and it brings a mingle of dread and excitement. It's relieving because I'm going to graduate from college in about a month's time (finally!), and troubling because, in two weeks I'll be having my finals. One and the half year of extreme boredom/stress/study load just for the upcoming exams. Things cannot be more stress-inducing than right now. Gee. Two weeks. That's a lot to take in. First paper would be Mathematics, and lucky too because I'm one who prefers to get over with her worst subject as fast as time allows.

I really cannot wait to graduate from this course. Not that it's all a bumpy road throughout, it's just., well I'm really sick of it already. This course isn't really for me in the first place. I should have taken SAM like I was told to, and life would be much easier. I think. Now, now, I'm not saying SAM is easy. I'm just implementing that CAL is way harder as our results' is 100% examination-based, and that's not very good news for me because...are you serious? 100%? For Christ's sake. Anyway, too late to realize that now. Uh, let's just let nature(and some good karma) take its course.

The days after graduation... WOOHOO! I have quite a few things planned out already. I'm going to go on a roadtrip, a overseas trip, learn how to cook, sew, make DIY cards, drive around, look for new makan place, maybe take up some part time, sleep late, have fun, make a scrapbook,  see my buddies off to the airports,  take plenty of photos, watch movies I've missed out since I was 10, go out for dates, take up a new sport, put plenty of facial masks, start a small business, master my Photoshop skills, and a mission to complete all that. So, OK. It's more than just a few things, and even thinking about it is a little taxing. Don't you fear though, I have more than 6 months to chill before I finally fly off to university!

University. Geez. The last I looked back, I was only a sweaty pudgy primary school girl stealing food from people's lunch box and running around chasing boys. Ugh, just thinking back makes me cringe. I mean, really? No wonder my old mates still calls me a boy up till today. Anyway, I don't know how the years past, but here I am, almost 19, happy with life, and going to a university. It's unreal. I'm taking Architecture, by the way, and I'm really quite excited about it. I finally found a course that I am whole-heartedly sure that I would love!