Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dread and excitement

Hi, another picture of me at Bentley's Music before a long wordy ass blog entry. again.

Today marks the first day of May, and it brings a mingle of dread and excitement. It's relieving because I'm going to graduate from college in about a month's time (finally!), and troubling because, in two weeks I'll be having my finals. One and the half year of extreme boredom/stress/study load just for the upcoming exams. Things cannot be more stress-inducing than right now. Gee. Two weeks. That's a lot to take in. First paper would be Mathematics, and lucky too because I'm one who prefers to get over with her worst subject as fast as time allows.

I really cannot wait to graduate from this course. Not that it's all a bumpy road throughout, it's just., well I'm really sick of it already. This course isn't really for me in the first place. I should have taken SAM like I was told to, and life would be much easier. I think. Now, now, I'm not saying SAM is easy. I'm just implementing that CAL is way harder as our results' is 100% examination-based, and that's not very good news for me because...are you serious? 100%? For Christ's sake. Anyway, too late to realize that now. Uh, let's just let nature(and some good karma) take its course.

The days after graduation... WOOHOO! I have quite a few things planned out already. I'm going to go on a roadtrip, a overseas trip, learn how to cook, sew, make DIY cards, drive around, look for new makan place, maybe take up some part time, sleep late, have fun, make a scrapbook,  see my buddies off to the airports,  take plenty of photos, watch movies I've missed out since I was 10, go out for dates, take up a new sport, put plenty of facial masks, start a small business, master my Photoshop skills, and a mission to complete all that. So, OK. It's more than just a few things, and even thinking about it is a little taxing. Don't you fear though, I have more than 6 months to chill before I finally fly off to university!

University. Geez. The last I looked back, I was only a sweaty pudgy primary school girl stealing food from people's lunch box and running around chasing boys. Ugh, just thinking back makes me cringe. I mean, really? No wonder my old mates still calls me a boy up till today. Anyway, I don't know how the years past, but here I am, almost 19, happy with life, and going to a university. It's unreal. I'm taking Architecture, by the way, and I'm really quite excited about it. I finally found a course that I am whole-heartedly sure that I would love!