Wednesday, May 2, 2012

outfit posts;

Diamante studded  shorts: Forever 21 
Starry cropped top: Taiwan.

 Top: Birthday gift from HuanYi
Locket Necklace: Vincci Accessories.

Hello sweet earthlings. This would be a very short post. Just thinking maybe I'll tell you guys I'll start posting some outfit posts soon (and by soon, I mean after my finals). I feel its quite wasteful to put in the effort to wear nice clothes, but not document it. So here, expect to see more photos soon, and this time this is a real promise. Haha. As for now, two simple photos first. Not much, but hey, its a start!

    Oversized top: Forever 21

I'll try to keep the posts coming! ;) And oh, my darling friends, please do not find me annoying if I asked you to take a picture or two or three or a dozen of me in my outfits. Teehee! ;) Love you berry much. Nighty night peeps!

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