Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hello, from Melaka!

Oh whew. Yesterday was a relief from my daily routine of boredom. Went for a road trip with my class peeps to Melaka. It wasn't exactly planned, I mean we didn't know where to go, what to eat and all that, but you know what? That's the best part of a road trip- spontaneity.

I could use some of that in my life right now. I hate routines.

Here we are! This isn't a full group photo, but well that's almost all of us right here! I don't remember where this beach is. Distraction is the main order of the day, so excuse me. Haha.So... tell me how many girls do u see in the photo? Two? That's right, and thank god. Initially it was only just me with 14 other guys 'cuz Sarah couldn't make it. I almost freaked. But then later they told me Munirah is gonna join when we meet at Melaka. So, yay!
Andy's disapproving face. But like always, I don't care ;P
Now he's cool. Picture of me, Andy, Shaddy and Arif!
Lol, my face looks hideous here but nevermind! It's Haziq buddy and me here! How can I resist being piggy-bagged? You tell me.
And how can I resist posing beside Harris. So macho model-esque ;)
That's what I'm talking about, people.
Haziq, Munirah and Shaddy from Africa!
Saufie, myself, Harris, Naim, Ridh, Andy and Haiqal! It was supposed to be just me and Saufie but after this trip, I realise how much everyone loves to have their pictures taken! Hahaha yeah, I'm one of those people too. I have found people of the same species in my life. 

One of my favourite human being. Ever.

My tired faces all over the pictures. I don't usually look like that, if you believe me. 
Apparently, this is so good. I haven't personally tried it 'cuz before this I had a coconut milkshake. Enough to last for like 1 hour. 
Whaddup! Shaddy likey Malaysia's cendol.
Truly Malaysian-style. We can just sit on a curb and eat. 
 People with cendols. Because I can't think up a better caption guys!!

Lol, okay, I'm tired, I've tried to put in as many captions as I can right now. Maybe I'll do some editing tomorrow. Or the day after next. Or the next. I'll come back, but I won't promise when. So, I'm gonna end this post with this. Good night everyone! Have a good one!

One of the best days I've had in a while! Thank you, guys!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

B for?

I kid you not.

The first day of the break was cool. I just took the whole day chilling and sleep a whole lot because that's what I need after last week's ordeal. Then it was kinda "productive" too. I did new journal covers for the new year (because I'm too cool for regular diaries found in the market). I watched movies. I read books. It was exactly how I would spend the first day of my holidays.

Second day. About the same thing.

Third day. OMFG. REPEAT. Well there was a badminton session, but the bad times over the good times and all ya know.

Fourth day. I DON'T EVEN.

Bye world, wake me up when March ends.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

The promised post

Well, well, I did make good of my promise, didn't I? 

1. Focus, Focus, Focus
For the next, and the next and the next semesters. I'm through with having to stay up late doing my work in the 11th hour. I am dead serious this time. Right. Before you peeps smirk at me or anything...

2. Start Toning Up
I'm not even kidding. I know I said this last year (alright, EVERY year) but it's gonna work out this time. I swear. I'll have my own car next semester, so it's easier for me to go to the gym any time I want. I will find time to go, you'll see.

3. Look Presentable
I'm already working on this one. Changed my hairstyle a few weeks ago, and I'm gonna start putting on a little make up. Mission: To not look like I literally just woke up, although lol, that's the case most of the time. My dad can stop pestering me about this why-don't-you-look-presentable-everyday issue from now.

4. Be Initiative
And catch up with people regularly. I really need to put in an effort making friendships last. I don't have many friends to begin with, so I need to work on that and also treasure all of the few close(and new) ones that I am so blessed to have. You know who you are.

5. Take More Photos
Lol. The purpose of this post was about how I'm gonna make myself a better/happier person. I think this should be on another list but oh what the hell, pictures say a thousand words that you could never ever express with just words and therefore I'm making this promise to myself- to capture the moment whenever I can. That would make me happy. I guess in a way this does deserve a spot on this list.


6. Be Generous
And I don't mean it just in the money sense. I mean it in every other possible sense.

7. Have a New Hobby
I understand you don't just develop a hobby overnight. Over the two months of semester break, I'm going to learn something new. A  language, a musical instrument, an art technique, dancing or whatever along those lines. I wanna feel like I've made good use of my break and not just waste it on something I won't even remember doing later.

8. Treat People the Way You Want to be Treated
Yep. I would start by stop being a bitch. Honestly, I think it's so unfair to the people who I've given shit to, but still love me back all the same. Time to change. Time to make those people appreciated and loved too. :)

Ok....The list goes on, but I should stop. Don't wanna embarrass myself too much if I don't make any of those happen. AND I'm gonna go to bed. So, goodnight people! <3

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Because I need to start (almost) every post with a big ass picture of myself, that's why.

Hello people of the new year!
 I'm thrilled to share this news with you: I'm officially done with Architecture.

Semester 1, that is.

Wait, what? You didn't truly think I'd given up so soon, did you? No, because that would be a shame on my part. I love this course despite all the assignments and the not-getting-enough-sleep/not-having-a-life shit. Honestly. I wouldn't know what else to do with my life if not this. I truly want to do well and go to a good school after the degree...that would be in another 3 years or so.

Why yes, I'm already dwelling on it although it's still early and I'm not even done with first year yet. I guess it's part of growing up, being wiser, being an "adult". Omg. Adult. I'm no longer a teenager. This scares me a little. I MEAN OMG. All I wanted as a child, was to become an adult. Now that I'm nearly stepping onto that line, I desperately want time to slow down because I want to do something meaningful. While others are making little life achievements of their own...what have I done that I would be proud to tell my kids next time? Nothing. 20 years old with no shining trophies of  "life achievement"

But then again, what is deemed an achievement? Because I was told, at the end of the day, achievements or not, as long as you're living a full happy life, it's enough. I realize I'm contradicting myself right now. One moment I was on about accomplishing something meaningful in life, and the next I'm self-comforting and go "Oh, as long as you're happy." You have to get used to this by now, right? Me and my contradictions. haha I don't know what I want!

So anyway. Enough of that! I have a new year resolution in the spirit of making myself a better person (and thus having a meaningful life. (thus) a happy life- one thing leads to the other!). I'm excited for myself lol! Little steps at a time, and then we'll leap over the Grand Canyon. Well not that drastic, but you know what I mean. You will have a scoop on all about it in my next post (which may or may not happen. But have a little faith in me ;)) !

Back to Vampire Diaries. I'm so behind in everything because of my hectic life all this while!
Next pose post!