Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hello, from Melaka!

Oh whew. Yesterday was a relief from my daily routine of boredom. Went for a road trip with my class peeps to Melaka. It wasn't exactly planned, I mean we didn't know where to go, what to eat and all that, but you know what? That's the best part of a road trip- spontaneity.

I could use some of that in my life right now. I hate routines.

Here we are! This isn't a full group photo, but well that's almost all of us right here! I don't remember where this beach is. Distraction is the main order of the day, so excuse me. Haha.So... tell me how many girls do u see in the photo? Two? That's right, and thank god. Initially it was only just me with 14 other guys 'cuz Sarah couldn't make it. I almost freaked. But then later they told me Munirah is gonna join when we meet at Melaka. So, yay!
Andy's disapproving face. But like always, I don't care ;P
Now he's cool. Picture of me, Andy, Shaddy and Arif!
Lol, my face looks hideous here but nevermind! It's Haziq buddy and me here! How can I resist being piggy-bagged? You tell me.
And how can I resist posing beside Harris. So macho model-esque ;)
That's what I'm talking about, people.
Haziq, Munirah and Shaddy from Africa!
Saufie, myself, Harris, Naim, Ridh, Andy and Haiqal! It was supposed to be just me and Saufie but after this trip, I realise how much everyone loves to have their pictures taken! Hahaha yeah, I'm one of those people too. I have found people of the same species in my life. 

One of my favourite human being. Ever.

My tired faces all over the pictures. I don't usually look like that, if you believe me. 
Apparently, this is so good. I haven't personally tried it 'cuz before this I had a coconut milkshake. Enough to last for like 1 hour. 
Whaddup! Shaddy likey Malaysia's cendol.
Truly Malaysian-style. We can just sit on a curb and eat. 
 People with cendols. Because I can't think up a better caption guys!!

Lol, okay, I'm tired, I've tried to put in as many captions as I can right now. Maybe I'll do some editing tomorrow. Or the day after next. Or the next. I'll come back, but I won't promise when. So, I'm gonna end this post with this. Good night everyone! Have a good one!

One of the best days I've had in a while! Thank you, guys!

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