Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wrapping it up.

Super overdue post, but here goes!
Better late than never! :)
What's the first thought that rush to our minds whenever we hear fireworks crackling in the distance? Celebration! Time for a festive! In this case, a Lunar New Year. I took this when I was in Melaka :) I thought it looked quite pretty. Haha.

I love taking photos of people, cam-whoring, to be exact. I always drag people to take photos with me, especially when I'm in a really good mood. It was first day the CNY, so who wouldn't be? Thoughts reeling in my head is: "Ang pows, ang pows, come to mama." ;) So I was in a relatively good mood that day, despite missing someone who was so far away.


Oh yes, my sis and I. Trust me, she'll hate me for posting this photo. Um cuz, she said she looks fat in this one, but hey I love me in here. *wink wink*

So this is my brother. Mmm, he's not really photogenic...he hates it when I remind him every time. He loves to, in return, tell me I'm not that fair. There's just good lighting. I sourly admit.
Oh, by the way, has anyone noticed I'm wearing a top full of sequins too? ;)

Polka-dotted fingernails.I did that one myself!

 I was in a pretty silly mood that day too. So stole sis's puppy..Um, okay, no, it's really actually a bag, but you wouldn't recognize if I didn't tell you right? No, you wouldn't! Hah!

This is my wacky relative. I don't know how this photo happened, but it's pretty funny. At least, for me.

Mommy and daddy @ Highlands Hotel. 
Can anyone guess the exact age of my mom? 
She'd never had botox of underwent whatever cosmetic surgery before, I swear.

I was pretty thrilled when I saw such a big chai shen ye. Haha.Pretty cute no? I love the misai(s). They're pointed at different directions. Haha

I absolutely adore him. Started to change my mind about disliking children after him.
I don't deny he was quite a trouble sometimes though, but that's what's cute about him.
He, like me, is a fan of pop corns too. ;D

He was in a bad mood when he couldn't find his mom, who's out pak tor-ing with his daddy. But then, when I told him to cheer up, he said "Take a photo of me first." O.O
LOL, anyone?


PS: Sorry you guys, I know some of you are expecting a photo entry about our CNY outing, but it'll come out...though not so soon! sORRY!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Halfway there.

How many people can say that about achieving their dreams? That they're Fucking Positive? My guess is:  really not many.

We've been talking a lot of our near future lately. Post-SPM, what are we gonna do? Where are we gonna go? Which programs are we gonna take? These questions are a complete pain in the arse sometimes, and they just give me plenty of headaches. Is it because I have an indecisive nature stubbornly "embeded" in me, or is everybody else facing such dilemmas too? Sometimes I just don't want to plan anymore, but then
without a plan, you are like a ship without a rudder.

It's not that I haven't decide on what I'm gonna do next time, but what I dream to be needs me to be very very hardworking and diligent at all times, persevering too. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't exactly fit in to any of the categories mentioned. Yet, I believed I can materialize this seemingly tough dream, with extra efforts. Am I being naive or is this considered some kind of perseverance? I'm afraid of self-doubts. When classes get increasingly difficult, and when the stress build up rapidly, self doubts tend to creep in. God. I really wish I can just be "fucking positive" in what I do.

We know:

Being passionate about work is more important than having a strong aptitude or ability.
When you are passionate about your work you will succeed because you will do whatever it takes to become the best in your profession. You will be driven to succeed.

Which kind of people are you? The one who's all about being in truly love with their what their doing or the other one who has a penchant for luxuries and doesn't give a heck whether or not you hate the job? I think most of us falls somewhere in between, so yeah, sorry, that was a stupid question. Who wouldn't want to both right, love and money? You do, I do, anyone else you ask does too. Now, How many people can have that eventually? Again, not really many.

I want peace in my head. I gotta be definite about my plans and decisions. I have to, real soon. You guys too.
Good luck everyone!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I JUST HAD A RM988 FISH FOR BREAKFAST.and it's not even the whole fish! Go figure the goodness of the flesh. Oh god, that's the upside of having powerful friends. Friends who can also ask the restaurant owner to open at 10 AM, at a moment's notice, when they open only at 11.30.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

random happiness

This photo was taken a while back. Just thought I'll freshen up the page with a pic! Hah!

Second day of  hols now, and I've finished my BM essay. One more left to settle I think, English essay on National Service. This particular essay really gives  me headache. I mean what to write? I know we'd been given all those NS-related articles but...ugh, no idea how to describe how annoying it is not being able to think of anything to write!

Anyway, thought of digging up some silly photos! ;D


cute undies ;) *removed*

my brother :)

ana, acting cute ;)

"Spiger" waiting for her ice blended mocha

Must have been a funny joke, haha ;)


jas's horns. hehe

The sisters! My lovelies

Friday, February 12, 2010

wave a goodbye.

I'm grateful I'm spending the first day of my CNY holidays nibbling on chocolate and sipping on a cup of hot Milo drink instead of rushing to get all my homework done. How blissful! Now, now, I'm not suggesting I'm going back to my old ways, procrastinating all the time. I just think I need a break from all the studying which is sometimes considered as "more than flesh and blood could stand". I'll start attacking homework-looking aliens tonight :)

I was actually go hang out with Meng and Huey today, but my dragon-lady wasn't too happy about it, and I'm in a little not-so-ecstatic mood now anyway, so here I am spending my Friday blogging and consuming fat-induced food, which is really the last thing I need in my body, considering CNY is just two days away.

But oh, wth. I need my chocolate fix to remedy my heavy heart- someone just left for Europe. : /

Since I wasn't gonna go anywhere today, so started packing for CNY hols this morning. I'm kinda really really satisfied with what I bought. Hehe ;D Love love my stapless dress and another harem pants. I'll try to give you guys a glimpse when I wear it next week. ;) Anyway, as happy as I am with my clothes, I still lack one essential accessory- A BAG! Sigh. Might resort to borrowing one from mum. Her coach bag seems extra appealing today. Hehe.

CNY Movies-to-watch list: Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, Dear John ( the reviews are fantastic! Even toppled Avatar!), and Valentine's Day. Huan Yi said we could go catch a movie when I meet up with her at P. Penang! Hopefully, we'll watch Valentine's day. There's the guy of  her dreams, Taylor Lautner and my favourite stars like Emma Roberts, Anne Hathaway and Taylor Swift! or maybe I'll make her watch PJO again with me. Haha!

Had a hell lot of tough time yesterday colouring my nails, dammit. I kept smudging my baby pink! Got annoyed finally and just painted those smeared ones with black colour. To be frank, I was actually quite surprised how pretty they turned out to be. Cute look with an edge. Ha ha. In cases like this, it's like what I'll call "positive accidental experiments". :D


Monday, February 8, 2010

instant love.

Sudden pop in her head:

I know my birthday is still FAAAAARRR from now, but I would love a polaroid camera! Memories, printed in an instant. I wanna, I wanna. Sigh.


I was a dreamer before you went and let me down.

Life can be so insanely unpredictable. Yesterday was like a stormy night with rolling thunders, while today...seems almost like a sunshiney honeydrop-sweet day, with butterflies floating lazily in the air, from flower to flower. This is good news :)

Let's skip all the daily rigmarole and just move on ahead with...OK, nevermind, I can't come up with anything to talk about except the old stale and boring ramblings about school, friends, life, everything. Haha, c'mon whataya expect? My very interesting political or cultural views? Dream on, I know zilch about those, which may make me sound a bit like those Chinese who thinks not being able to write their own name in mandarin is cool? Haha, whichever way you see it la.

I must be the lousiest Taylor Swift's fan on Earth, just got to fully appreciate her songs finally! Borrow the disc from Choc Top. Hahaha, nah-uh, you dont have to ask around who that is ;) Anw, love her to death! Hail to country music! Hail to Taylor! :D I especially love Breathe ft. Colbie Caillat, who is also one of my favourite singer :) Oh, someone said he's gonna sing The Best Day also by Miss Swift. Hahaha, cannot wait!

Btw, the freaking weather! So hot!....
Um, that's the cue! When I speak of the weather, it means i'm oooofffffff!
Bye peeps! 


Friday, February 5, 2010

more than enough.


Once someone said I have the craziest mood swing ever. I never bothered to correct the person. and dammit, I'm feeling so bloody moody right (Like I'm having PMS), although I remember, 2 hours ago, I was still chirping brightly about...the daily ramblings.

Actually, I don't think moody is the right word. I mean, not wanting to talk to people and just craving for some alone time is... what? "Me-time"? But then, isn't Me time supposed to be peaceful? So why the heck am I feeling so restless? So impatient? So bothered? 

*anw enough of my depressed-mood*

School was pretty fun today, to say the least. especially after our assembly...Had silly times with my sakai-ish friends ;) Flo told me I couldn't use her tissues if I got my heartbroken next time. Ling related how her nephew fell into the pool cuz he didn't wanna go to school. While during our free period, Andrea got tickled under the chin. Feng poked at Jov's Mr. Downstairs. Kelvin pretended to be a high-waist-trousers-wearing nerd. Jov danced to "nobody nobody but you" completed with all the clappings and pointings. Lol. I could do this everyday, with all my friends and love.

[Heart] my bloody amazing friends.and him.
They make life so much better.