Monday, February 22, 2010

Halfway there.

How many people can say that about achieving their dreams? That they're Fucking Positive? My guess is:  really not many.

We've been talking a lot of our near future lately. Post-SPM, what are we gonna do? Where are we gonna go? Which programs are we gonna take? These questions are a complete pain in the arse sometimes, and they just give me plenty of headaches. Is it because I have an indecisive nature stubbornly "embeded" in me, or is everybody else facing such dilemmas too? Sometimes I just don't want to plan anymore, but then
without a plan, you are like a ship without a rudder.

It's not that I haven't decide on what I'm gonna do next time, but what I dream to be needs me to be very very hardworking and diligent at all times, persevering too. Anyone who knows me, knows that I don't exactly fit in to any of the categories mentioned. Yet, I believed I can materialize this seemingly tough dream, with extra efforts. Am I being naive or is this considered some kind of perseverance? I'm afraid of self-doubts. When classes get increasingly difficult, and when the stress build up rapidly, self doubts tend to creep in. God. I really wish I can just be "fucking positive" in what I do.

We know:

Being passionate about work is more important than having a strong aptitude or ability.
When you are passionate about your work you will succeed because you will do whatever it takes to become the best in your profession. You will be driven to succeed.

Which kind of people are you? The one who's all about being in truly love with their what their doing or the other one who has a penchant for luxuries and doesn't give a heck whether or not you hate the job? I think most of us falls somewhere in between, so yeah, sorry, that was a stupid question. Who wouldn't want to both right, love and money? You do, I do, anyone else you ask does too. Now, How many people can have that eventually? Again, not really many.

I want peace in my head. I gotta be definite about my plans and decisions. I have to, real soon. You guys too.
Good luck everyone!

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