Saturday, February 27, 2010

Wrapping it up.

Super overdue post, but here goes!
Better late than never! :)
What's the first thought that rush to our minds whenever we hear fireworks crackling in the distance? Celebration! Time for a festive! In this case, a Lunar New Year. I took this when I was in Melaka :) I thought it looked quite pretty. Haha.

I love taking photos of people, cam-whoring, to be exact. I always drag people to take photos with me, especially when I'm in a really good mood. It was first day the CNY, so who wouldn't be? Thoughts reeling in my head is: "Ang pows, ang pows, come to mama." ;) So I was in a relatively good mood that day, despite missing someone who was so far away.


Oh yes, my sis and I. Trust me, she'll hate me for posting this photo. Um cuz, she said she looks fat in this one, but hey I love me in here. *wink wink*

So this is my brother. Mmm, he's not really photogenic...he hates it when I remind him every time. He loves to, in return, tell me I'm not that fair. There's just good lighting. I sourly admit.
Oh, by the way, has anyone noticed I'm wearing a top full of sequins too? ;)

Polka-dotted fingernails.I did that one myself!

 I was in a pretty silly mood that day too. So stole sis's puppy..Um, okay, no, it's really actually a bag, but you wouldn't recognize if I didn't tell you right? No, you wouldn't! Hah!

This is my wacky relative. I don't know how this photo happened, but it's pretty funny. At least, for me.

Mommy and daddy @ Highlands Hotel. 
Can anyone guess the exact age of my mom? 
She'd never had botox of underwent whatever cosmetic surgery before, I swear.

I was pretty thrilled when I saw such a big chai shen ye. Haha.Pretty cute no? I love the misai(s). They're pointed at different directions. Haha

I absolutely adore him. Started to change my mind about disliking children after him.
I don't deny he was quite a trouble sometimes though, but that's what's cute about him.
He, like me, is a fan of pop corns too. ;D

He was in a bad mood when he couldn't find his mom, who's out pak tor-ing with his daddy. But then, when I told him to cheer up, he said "Take a photo of me first." O.O
LOL, anyone?


PS: Sorry you guys, I know some of you are expecting a photo entry about our CNY outing, but it'll come out...though not so soon! sORRY!

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