Once someone said I have the craziest mood swing ever. I never bothered to correct the person. and dammit, I'm feeling so bloody moody right (Like I'm having PMS), although I remember, 2 hours ago, I was still chirping brightly about...the daily ramblings.
Actually, I don't think moody is the right word. I mean, not wanting to talk to people and just craving for some alone time is... what? "Me-time"? But then, isn't Me time supposed to be peaceful? So why the heck am I feeling so restless? So impatient? So bothered?
*anw enough of my depressed-mood*
School was pretty fun today, to say the least. especially after our assembly...Had silly times with my sakai-ish friends ;) Flo told me I couldn't use her tissues if I got my heartbroken next time. Ling related how her nephew fell into the pool cuz he didn't wanna go to school. While during our free period, Andrea got tickled under the chin. Feng poked at Jov's Mr. Downstairs. Kelvin pretended to be a high-waist-trousers-wearing nerd. Jov danced to "nobody nobody but you" completed with all the clappings and pointings. Lol. I could do this everyday, with all my friends and love.
[Heart] my bloody amazing friends.and him.
They make life so much better.
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