Sunday, July 25, 2010

be happy.

Hello, didn't expect me to come back here so soon eh?

I went out with my siss today, just for a real short while. We went That's Cafe. It's quite a different experience to tell the truth. The feel is so...alien. Its a little cafe near the town's post office. It's quiet, with a retro feel. Like, I don't know, going back to the 90's. The cafe was decorated with traditional toys, vintage-y sorta portraits, and there's even a wooden rocking horse. What I love most was the menu. It was so cute in the old times way, I swear.

It's too bad I didn't remember to take a photo of the little place.

It was nice meeting with them again too, cuz it's been like one whole half year since we gathered like that. The last time was during New Year's Eve. It's not like we stay countries apart or anything - far from it- but because of our busy schedules, it can be pretty tough compromising. We almost couldn't make it today too, but anyhow, thank god, because we did.

I don't know how to split myself between my friends. I want to be with all of them, and yet, because of my dragon lady's rule, I can only go out so very seldom. Have to really sacrifice here and there. Like say, because I went out today, I most probably can't go out with my school mates tomorrow. Bah. So much for wanting to watch Despicable Me in 3D. It must really be quite fun. 

I also want to spend time with someone who'd quite a bad day today. I sincerely hope you would be okay soon yeah? Smile.

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