Hello cupcakes :)
I just got back from Anson's birthday party. I think it was kinda...warm. Sitting there with my friends Feng, Jov, Kel, ZiMing, talking, and laughing AT Zi Ming (Note: not WITH, but AT). He's seriously the cutest guy I've seen. For every word he spoke, we laughed for at least two minutes. He's just got the voice. As in other people can say the same word, but none can express it like he did. God, too funny. I call him Meh Meh- think the type of sound a goat makes XP
I got a scrapped knee because of them too : / bladdy ell. Will keep in mind to take revenge next time!
Anw, we had a tiny party in the physics lab today. Oh, who did? A few gazillion iron filings did. I don't know why, but it amused me to no end just now when I was playing with the magnet. It's cute seeing how they move tgt with the magnet. Somehow, it seemed like they're dancing.
So oKay, i'm a nutty. bye
Haha! No ECA for me tmr! SLEEP LATE
This post is tupid
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