Sunday, July 3, 2011


I just don't know what to say most of the time. Right's not like suddenly inspiration hit me right in my face. No. It's just that I have nothing better to do. It's either this or stare at the guys play their dota or whatever. I think I choose the former cuz I don't understand the alien language theyre using. All the short terms they're using is just out of the world. It's quite amusing tho. Seeing the guys shout at each other. 'fuck you' is sth you hear every nano second. Lol.

I was,2 seconds ago, contemplating whether or not i should turn in. But then yongke says he feels like eating later and my eyes brightened! Forget about sleeping poof. I miss eating roti canai, roti telur too! Although there are 'mamak' stalls in almost every corner you turn, I just never got around to eating them. Guess its cuz of the smell wafting in the air. I especially hate it after I showered. The smell just had to cling to your body, and that smell will stick to your bed. Today, I give it an exception. Smell or not. Cuz it's not my mattress!! Hahahah

Zi ming won't know I said that cuz he never reads my blog! Haha! Okay la just kidding.but i sincerely doubt he'll mind. He's such a sweet boy ;)))


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