Thursday, June 28, 2012

back and safe;


Oh, yes, free hugs? ;)

Truth is, my laptop fell into the ocean (don't ask me how! Use your imagination!) while I was flying across the South China Sea on the way to Taiwan and it fell so deep I had to send out my rescue team out there to help me look for it, submarines and all things high-tech to help me detect it. At long last, my baby was back in my arms. So yes, that pretty much explains why I've been away from the bloggersphere for almost two weeks.

Bullshit. Trust me to come up with this crap in less than a minute. I surprise myself all the time.

I'm back from my Taiwan trip weeks ago, prom passed, Genting trip went and back, and now I'm safely back in JB feeling very homey and have been staying in the house 24/7, except for the occasional meal out. There's a Topshop sale going on and I'm not even motivated a tiny bit by it to go out. Feeling pretty lazy, see? And the pollution here is horrible, I don't wanna get my pores clogged with dust and and... whatever clogs up my pores. Haha, so princessy, complaining.

My godma from Melaka came to JB, and has been staying with us for almost a week! It's always so nice to have a guest at home 'cuz my grandma will always cook a whole variety of food to impress him/her/them, and we get to enjoy too! I'm not being bias, but I honestly think my grandma is really really good cook. She's the competitive type, once you say her dish is even a tad on the negative side, she'll correct it until it's alright the next time. She does have a weakness of course. She gets annoyed if you criticize (although constructively) her food. Haha.

Wait, I was talking about my godma. So yes. I love it when she comes! Apart from good company, I get driving lessons! This is probably really embarrassing. I got my license last year, but lack of practice for a few months left me feeling like a newbie again. Don't worry though, I'm getting the hang of it after hours of practicing with my godma's help. Not that it means I won't have to go "training" under a real instructor again next week. My dad insisted. Ugh. Sien.

Edit: I won't have to go for professional lessons no more! :D

This post is getting boring again.


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