Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Hi, all!

Presenting, the charming me.
*roll eyes*

So, a little update! Here to announce that I'm actually a wee bit  bored out of my mind; and that's crazy because one week of sweet and long-awaited freedom has not passed, and here I am, complaining already. I could barely comprehend how my life ahead will be for the next 6 months or so, with nothing worrying (academically speaking) on my plate and a full load of time to idle. Oh, the joy!

Except I'm not feeling it much now. I want to do something. I can't camp out in front of the laptop every single day with a chunk of fattening Cadbury milk chocolate by the side (like right this instant)! I had a lot in mind while doing revision for my upcoming exams, mentally making lists and lists of things to do during my break, to try, to experiment, to pass time; but I realise a mistake now, and that is I only mentally noted them down. So naturally, I didn't remember much of it after 5 minutes back into my revision. Now, before I go on, I think you should know beforehand I've a memory of a sieve.

Especially when it comes to lists. Yes, see? I have a valid reason whenever I don't stick to them.

I vaguely remember the things I really wanted to do though. Go shopping. Catch up with close buddies. Go celebrate post-finals. Even the mammoth task of tidying/cleaning up my room; ALL of which I have already done. What else, what else. I even watched videos on cooking to pass time! This from a girl who can't cook for shit to save her life.

*random insert of a photo featuring me posing sexily on Ana's lap*
ANA: Yep, this girl right here.
*Jesus. What the hell was I wrong with me?*
OK, to be fair, I wasn't given the chance to cook! My grandmom finds me a hassle in the kitchen even when I really am indeed trying to help. Uneven chopping of garlic/onions/chilli/etc is a waste of time, apparently. So usually within 10 minutes, I'll get shooshed out of the kitchen. Poor me. I'll blame my grandmom if her great-grandchildren starve because their mommy (me) doesn't know how to boil an egg.

AHA! Just kidding. I'm not that horrible. Boiling eggs is fine. I do a plentiful good job at it. I think.
But I'm ready to learn! I don't care, I'm gonna bribe my granny to teach me.
How else am I gonna survive overseas if I can't cook? Take outs/microwaved food everyday? No thanks.


ps: the photos above have absolutely no relations with the post, not entirely. Just for fun, you know. Because I'm lacking it. Oh mee gourd. I'm so bored.

1 comment:

  1. me too me too! I'm too bored at home..Watching Michelle Phan video again and again..Haizzz...Boring ehh!
