Sunday, June 3, 2012


Time is precious. Have you ever spent hours at a time in front of the computer, browsing the Internet, signing in Facebook, play a game, skype with some friends, but towards the end of the day, you don't remember doing anything "productive" at all? In fact, you felt you have wasted time. I don't know about you, but I used to find myself in that situation almost all the time. 9 out of 10 times, after I finally get off my laptop, the guilt comes.

Not so much anymore. I feel nowadays, when I'm online, what I do is I'll go "discover". I secretly (not so secret anymore, is it?) pride myself in this. Usually, I'm the person who looks for new food to eat in town, new boutiques, new websites, new photoshop tutorials, new blogs, new DIY crafts etc. You get my point. The few things I'm less interested in are gadgets and technology and perhaps movies, but what I  am interested in, more than compensate for my lack of it in certain fields in my opinion. Not to say I'm proud of it or anything.

So I'm thinking, maybe (a big maybe) I should do a weekly post on my new discoveries. It could be anything, I want it to be flexible, so that I don't feel too pressured to post something. Maybe, every Friday or so?  What should be in my first "FRESH FINDS FRIDAY" post? *thoughtful*
The reason simply being I want people to feel this:

ok, so stay tuned to see if I really end up wanting to do this project!
it's a big deal because this would need commitment.

ps: In case I'm really signing up for this, can anyone come up with a better name than "Fresh Finds Friday" ? It sounds a bit tacky, but that's the best I could come up with at the moment. Any help? 

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