Monday, January 24, 2011

Should be going

Arghh. Crapitty crap crap. I just came back to my room with my heart set on reading my biology textbook. I was going to do it! Determined and all. But alas, here I am, sitting in front of my laptop surfing the net, doing nothing. How can anyone be doing nothing? Beats me. I have no idea either. I guess nothing means stuff that does not benefit me whatsoever, intellectually.

I realise I have just answered my own question. Oh heck.

I have been rather unproductive of the late, and this is very very bad considering its only, like, what, the second week of college? It surprises me how fast the homework is accumulating. Everything is a little different here. Like Nat, I kinda miss the teachers in high school. I miss them spoon-feeding us information. In college, u're almost entirely on your own. Little help is given. Lecturers just talk and u down whatever. The tough part bout it is that you don't know which is necessary, which is not. Bah. I REALLY gotta read up soon.

Even though I complain a little 'bout the "no spoon-feed" thingy, i'm still pretty glad bout everything that had happened so far. I have gotten to know more people and the social circle is expanding. Almost every time, we have new people at our lunch/dinner table. I like this part bout college. This is something that we couldnt' have in high school, where since the first day of school, you alredi have your own "clique" - not that i'm saying i'm still not in a clique now (i still am), but like i said, its expanding.

I effing hate the lighting in my room. Its so dim. Even typing this out is making me sleepy, wth. : / bye

Saturday, January 22, 2011

dad, mom and grandmom

I just received some photos from my mum through email. These pictures were taken the day before I came to KL. When I see these pictures... there's a sudden pang in my heart. A feeling which is both bitter and sweet. Because I'm kept busy all the while, there's really not much time to miss them - and I'm sorry for that. However, when I'm alone, I think about them. I remember their warmth and care. I remember my dad's cold expressions and indifference to jokes. I remember my mum's naggings and love. I remember my grandmum's superb cookery skills and advice. I miss my siblings as well- them annoying me to death. lolz.

Hyper love, xx

Friday, January 21, 2011


Off to class now. Boo.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a new start.

There are many times a day when inspirations would hit me, and I would get the sudden urge to write in here, and at the same time, dust off the dirt layering on my blog page. But (yes, its annoying isn't it? There's always an excuse one way or another), college has started and the past few days had been crazy hectic here in Subang Jaya. There's so much to do. Moving in is not exactly a breeze considering (fine, I admit) I've never really done housework before. I'm not proud of it and I kinda resent the fact that I've not done all these washing/cleaning/ironing before cuz now I gotta learn it the hard way : / Luckily tho, I have friends to guide me. :)

I won't be surprised if my family won't recognise me the next time they see me because I sincerely suspect my skin would turn a few (not just one) shades darker :'( Every where here is within walking distance, so to save on transportation cost, we walk. That is not the problem tho. The real pain in the butt is the ever hot weather here in KL.10 minutes in the sun, and you'll be soaking in sweat. The pollution here in the city is not very favourable either :( Anyways,

Today was Orientation day for all the CAL students in Taylor's. I gotta seniors were right. Sure, there were some games and sort but well... it's still kinda boring. The briefing by the school officials were a bit of a drag, but its not "deathening". As freshmen, we were brought for a campus tour by the seniors. I really like my Student Helper, May. She was really enthusiastic and and laughed a lot- which was what we really needed cuz well, we're all new and we tend to get really tensed. Our mentor is Mr. Leong...I heard he's a pretty good teacher but he speaks very slow lor --. I hope Physics class won't be hell : /

Some of us are strung together in the same class, others are not. I cannot be more relieved to find out I'm not alone - HuanYi's with me. Met some new people of cuz. One of the students that have left quite an impression was Kelvin- he's quite a joker  and looks a tiny bit like Adam Lambert (if he were to be with make-up on lar). For the rest... I can only remember those with English names. wth. My brain has only that much capacity to memorise names and that is not a good thing. Eesh.

Tomorrow would be the start of class and I wonder how my lecturers would look like, how they would conduct their lessons and how effective it would be... I hope all goes well :)


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bocuse d'Or 2011

Omg, I just came back from blockwalking! One minute ago, I was at when I saw THIS: Bocuse d'Or 2011

Its a really prestigious competition, where all the BEST chefs in the WORLD gather to compete! I'm surprised to know our MALAYSIA team is among the top. Seriously. They won Bocuse d'Or ASIA- no, I kid you not- and will be competing in the finals. How great a news is that, you tell me?!

"The best part is, we are the only all-female team in the competition!!!"


Yes, Chef SEE LAY NA (right) and Chef MANDY(left).


Happy sigh. Malaysians. We can really surprise ourselves sometimes. Our citizens y'all. Proud.
PLEASE VOTE! The country with the most votes online will be awarded during Bocuse d'Or 2011!

We must win, beat them other countries!



to bring or not to bring

IF I could, I would pack everything- and i mean everything.

So, one and the half years in KL doesn't sound too much of a drag, I know. Time will pass faster than we expect them to. Leaving behind some stuffs for such a short period of time is ok, right? But no, to me, these are the things that I see every single day. All those belongings in my room... I wake up to them every morning. It'll be kinda tough to part with them. Sure, I've been to holidays and all that, but this is not really the same. I'll be away for a long term this time. :( I am the sentimental type. I keep random notes and letters written by my friends and family. I wish I could bring all of them- but where will I keep them in my tiny cubicle for a room in college? : / No where. So I might have to leave many things behind. Things and people.

anw...I just went to the clicnic just now. Finally. I've been coughing my lungs out since last week. This morning, it finally dawned on me that self-medication doesn't always work. Eesh. The doc said it's some virus infection or wth. wtf. Now, i gotta take cough syrup (yuck) and some..."sweets". I hate taking medicine :( PLEASE make me feel better soon.

Ta. this is a very random ramble.


Saturday, January 8, 2011

new chapter

 It's kinda surreal, the fact that I'm going college soon- 10 more days, to be exact.

It only seemed like yesterday, when I just entered Primary school, bouncing up and down everyday. Back then, life treated me well (Not that I'm saying my life sucks now, thank god). I was carefree and I could afford to adopt a lackadaisical attitude. Mum used to say I was a "happy-go-lucky" kinda of girl, too. Come to think of it, I still am; only now, I know when is the right time for it. Oh come on, don't give me that disapproving look, the real world out there (wars, political feuds, poverty etc.) is depressing enough, I need internal peace and happiness, and for that, I tend to be more easy going and worry less about what the future held for me.

That would change, of course. I would be more serious and not take important things as lightly as I had before. I'm 18 now. It's unreal how time flew past that soon. I have left high school and I am crossing the barrier between being a high school student to being a college freshman, and I cannot wait :)

Sure, I would be leaving my family and friends and the boyf behind, but it's all for the best; it's for my future, no kidding. Right now, I imagine how my first week in college would be. Would I be able to make new friends? Would I adapt well living in The Hole (inside joke, heh heh)? Would I suck in doing my own laundry for the first time in my life (i realise that makes me sound like some primsy princess, but i swear i am not; I'm just lucky enough to have a maid at home)? Would I be home sicked? Would I miss him so badly that I'd start tearing up and wish I could take the next bus home just to see him, and my family as well?

I guess I would for all the above...well, except for taking the bus home after just one week - my parents would kill me and it'll make me look pathetic because I'm not independent enough. Lolz.
Oh well, lucky I have my buddies in KL. and a web cam :) Everything is much easier that way.

My room is in a disastrous state right now. Clothes, socks, shoes, bags are strewn everywhere. I have started to pack for college. There is just so much to pack (my parents want me to be more prepared, so they say its better if i just get what I needed for college here in JB, instead of buying them in KL)! I even made a checklist! Haha. Two pages long =.= I have stuffed most things into the luggage now, only a few odd stuff to get - like a wastepaper basket, shower slipper, umbrella and all that. I hope I can buy them soon. It is better to get things done early than procrastinate them until it's too late. I learnt from mistakes. Haha :)

There is just so much to do right now. Apart from packing, I still have to learn how to cook and do the laundry. I have an IPL hair removal appointment to go. I have stationery to get. I have photos to develop. I have presents to wrap. I have a date to go. I have an outing with friends to go - it's ZW's birthday next week! I have...many many many things to do. So much to do, so little time. How I wish there is an extra hour every day. In that extra hour, maybe drastic changes can occur, decisions can be made, arguments can be settled- instead of prolonging them to the next day.

What a bother that would be huh?


Thursday, January 6, 2011


I've been slacking when it comes to blogging. Haha

Soooo, Feng left for Concord College in UK ytd. We had dinner in the airport and there was a warm feeling to it, and laughters everywhere- especially when Kel checked out (or should I say, studied) HY's boob size). hilarious! Kel's face was SO red when he got caught. ;) Hehe. After dinner...some unfortunate incident happened, but I guess it can't be helped. He'll probably tell you what is in it, girl :) The scene before Feng entered the departure hall was pretty emotional... Goodbyes were said and tears were shed, and he finally disappeared through the gate. It was pretty sad- the whole atmosphere was gloomy, ah well....TAN YAN FENG, you will be missed by us! Cannot wait to see you again when June comes!

Hopefully, when I see ZW tmr, there's no goldfish-  if either of you get what I mean :)


Sunday, January 2, 2011

kick ass 2011

I hope everyone had an awesome start to an awesome year, 2011! May this year be more awesome than the last! May Awesomeness sticks with you!!

(Hah. I realise I'd used the word AWESOME too many times)

Year 2011 Overview

Oh the lessons you have endured over the course of 2010. You're not the same people-pleasing darling you were a mere 12 months ago. On the contrary darling -- you are in the midst of a powerful process of cultivating the kind of backbone that makes greatness. Thanks to big daddy Saturn you're learning your lessons well in relinquishing laziness, strengthening discipline, and realizing your authority. You're taking yourself more seriously in the arenas where it matters most. (Read: career and getting paid what you're worth.)

Relationships bring plenty of passion, drama and unexpected plot twists especially during the spring. By the time May rolls around you'll be dealing with an unprecedented amount of planetary energy firing up your relationship sector. With six planets including Venus, your ruler and Jupiter, the planet of abundance lining up in your partnership sector you'll be anything but lonely. The challenge lies in staying true to your own needs without getting lost in the persuasive me-me-me demands of your significant others.

Although some of Saturn's lessons will weigh in on a heavier note and perhaps depriving you of any former easy-outs or shortcuts, you have the uncanny ability to take it all in stride. There's something to be said for the inherent Libran laid-back approach to life's challenges. But under current planetary duress you may join the ranks of the stressful millions in your quest for regaining inner peace and unshakable equilibrium. Forever striving for that elusive balance, you're being put through the cosmic ringer when it comes to finding and holding your own with others. But you will get there Libra -- just you wait and see!

Source: SHINE!

OKAY. For those who don't already know, I actually believe in reading horoscopes.

I had to reread to get the meaning of the whole passage. Long story short (and according to this passage), I'm going to score in fields that matters most to me, and read this! : relinquishing laziness, strengthening discipline, and realizing your authority. Ah, I cannot be more relieved to know this. Laziness is a curse. Relationship-wise, whoa, to me it means it'll be a whole lot more....idk, like an emotional whirlwind? Yikes. Anyway, I hope the rest of the extract is right. It'll make things slightly easier. :)


ps:  2011 started off really well. Some buddies came over and we had a good laugh watching BLADES OF GLORY! and John Tucker Must Die (thongs, anyone? heh;))

pps:  Going to go for "Kursus Kurikulum Pendidikan Pemandu" tmr with Nat, Jov and Kel