Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I'm feeling rather thrilled. The photos taken during the past few days have finally been uploaded by YY ;)
Should I post some of them here as well? Haha. Maybe with some captions so u guys know the "story" behind it, even if its a little :D

Be back soon!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Belated Christmas and Happy Boxing Day!

Seriously. I am dead EXHAUSTED.

I just came back from my 10 days trip, no kidding. Class trip started on the 17th, and to be honest, it turned out pretty good. We went to a good many places. Unsurprisingly, days at Cameron Highlands were the slowest. Only farms to visit. The "funnest" was bee farm- a farm with zero population of bees, har har. The supposedly largest indoor maze was damn lame too. Boo. However, the night spent there was lovely ;) I love pacman WHOOOO ;D and I love sleeping there ;*

KL trip came and went so fast. I had the BEST singing session in my life. All 19 us went to Green Box and we sang all the way from NINE to freaking FOUR in the morning. That's seven hours, mind you. The most entertaining part of that night was probably when Kelvin DANCED to Michael Jackson's songs. Boy, can that guy dance. We had a shock of our lives. It was really amazing! I didn't know geniuses can dance well ;P
Btw, we rocked OMG by Usher and Boom Boom Pow by B.E.P.

5O bucks well spent! :D

Trip to Genting this time was not as good (not that it'd been thrilling all this while). It rained, so outdoor theme park was a definite no-no. Well, okay, being able to sit on the Flying Coaster and eating crepe sorta made up for it I guess. The rest of the days were spent indoor-  mostly in bowling centres and arcades. We took some rides too, of cuz. The most epic moment was when HuanYi and me took the reindeer ride. We queued up for a while for it. Our turn came. We took our seats. We put our safety belts in places. We started to peddle. We peddled, peddled. THEN even before out reindeer depart from the waiting station, LimHY's peddle DROPPED OFF. Just like that. She said this incident really bruised her self-ego, meaning to say she is very heavy and the peddle could not handle the pressure exerted on it. HAHAHAH- just kidding. She is damn skinny.

Christmas was spent in Singapore. I had the best Christmas this year, omfg. Had dinner at a Japanese restaurant, lol. How ironic. I mean usually, we'd have western meal on such nights but every other restaurants had either no ambiance or were too full, so we settled for Japanese. To make up for it, there was a clear view of the fireworks right in front of us :D After that, we went around shouting "Merry Christmas!" at everything and everyone we saw. Heh. I went with a few good buddies to Siloso Beach next. Thought it'll be rather merry there, see? Nah uh. We were SO wrong. I see only a few souls. Okay la, I'm exaggerating, but it was really too few people, considering it was Christmas Eve, and the music played by the clubs nearby suck to the max - or maybe that is just me. Anyways, Spin-the-bottle was crazy. My boyf lap-danced on another guy, and he did it great. =.= THAT WAS SO KINKY. We laughed our asses off. Boy!

Did I mention staying Festive Hotel. It was so... different from other hotels I'd been to before. It was really pretty. Yes, p-r-e-t-t-y and CUTE with all the fun looking art works. A place that I would def stay in again IF I had the chance- it was quite pricey there can. Eesh. Marina Bay Sands Hotel, on the other hand, was quite luxurious. I stayed there with fam and I wished the bathroom was mine =/= its almost the size of MY room. No kidding. I just LOVE the mirrors- all girls would ;D

Times with my lovelies are always wondrous. This includes: HuanYi, ZhenWei, Flo, Ling, SinYee, Jov, Kel, ZiMing, Feng, XuanZhen and of cuz, my lap-dancer boyf Sim ;) Heh heh. I love yous to all of you :*

The memories we had these few days would forever be etched in my mind. I can just imagine us when we're all 60, sitting down around a dinner table, reminiscing about the days we shared together and the moments we enjoyed and loved.
That would be beautiful, won't it?


Saturday, December 11, 2010

so "adorable"!

Remember I said I was clearing my room? Look what I found? Super retarded photos I took 20 gazillion years ago. Oh alright, I mean 3 years ago, when I was in uh... Form 2. I didn't know what to do- laugh or cry. Laugh because well, they look super idiotic. Cry because I thought I was so pretty then, i even had the guts to develop those omfg photos. The person developing these photos 3 years ago must had a great time laughing how "cool" these photos were. Puke to the max.
Those 3 above were about the NICEST I could find tho. Others were so gross I had no eyes to see. Ah, when u were that young, you don't know what you're thinking.


Friday, December 10, 2010


Been up since 9 today. If you knew me, you'll know how rare that is, especially since its the holidays! Woke up and attempted to clear my room. No more mountains of lesson notes, piling in the corner- a huge relief. I wanted to recycle all the papers, but then I'm worried my brother's notes next year wouldn't be as good (like Mr. Cham You's and Mr. Tan's), so I kept a few. Physics and Bio and some BM karangan I got from friends and students from other schools. haha

I went CS too. I finally went to apply for Taylor's.Yep, I'm going there next year! Lolz, I truly think its my fate to go there (instead of SG). Everything went so smoothly- like looking for accommodations and all that. I will be staying with my buds! but mine's single room while my other friends are sharing with each other. I don't know living alone is better or otherwise. I'm only worried of lizards creeping into my room late at night ==. HOPEFULLY, the species in Subang Jaya isn't as scary as my house's - huge and immune to human's presence.

I know it's prolly too early, but I have started to pack for the trip! muahaha. Well, not really pack pack, they're not in the luggage or anything- YET. My range of clothing range from casual to eyebrow-raising ones. Ah, but I love the latter. The trip is the only chance I can wear clothing like that, haha. Cannot wait!

*abrupt stop*

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Last time.

Today was the last time I:

wore SMSO school uniform
wore white school shoes
wore the Let's Speak English badge- okay, the truth is I haven't been wearing it since 2 weeks ago
looked at anything related to SPM lesson notes.

I won't miss them NOW, but I suppose gradually, I would. I mean, lol, 5 years of my life. If you can grasp how truly short life is, you'll know what I mean.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Hello, Goodbye

This is the end of high school. Finally. 12/11/10.

I cannot believe that 5 years have passed in a blink of an eye. All the memories, the good ones, bad ones, crazy ones, sad ones, funny ones, painful ones will be forever etched in my mind. Thinking back, these memories are so so beautiful. The good memories, they keep me happy and I laughed when I thought of them. All the silly acts I was up to, they make my face burn whenever I remembered how childish I had been. They used to call me Loony. Lol. As for the bad experience that I have faced over the years, well, they matured me. I am 17. Still a teenager, but I'd definitely grown up in many ways. I'd like to think I'm wiser now, and I'm able to make decisions on my own.

I have graduated from Sek. Men. Seri Omega. It had been five freaking years, can you believe it? I still remember how I fought with my parents who wanted me to go into this school. I cried, I screamed. I didn't want to go. All my freedom is gone. I'm in hell. Well, at aged 13, that was all that I was concerned of : FUN. PLAY. FREEDOM. Lol. Begrudgingly, I entered Omega and hence, started on a journey that shaped who I am today.

The first day of school was painfully awkward, but I made a few new friends. Many of the friendships, unfortunately, did not last. My first friend in Omega was Wong Manni. She had been my best buddy in class until some things happened near the end of the year. Our friendship faded over the years, but I would always remember how enigmatic a girl she was. As for my other former classmates in Form 1, especially Yun Han and Meng, we still share good times together until today.

Entering A class in the second year was different. The atmosphere was different, but not in a bad way. There, man, I met friends that used to scare me. Ironically, these are my budddies now: you should know who you are ;) Form 2, haha, I remembered cutting strands of ZiYan's hair when she wasn't paying attention, Zhen Wei and I used to fight for the air con, me and Meng used to be glared by teachers for the talking too much etc etc. There's just too many memories. Memories that need volume and volume of books to fill. The "study periods" were always crazy with Jovan, Yan Feng, Jun Hao, Kelvin, Florence, Sunju and gosh, a few more others. The guys made me cry on several occasions - - cry baby me. haha.

You guys are the best tho! Almost 10 years of frienship y'll! And one of the guys who had teased me everyday back then, had become someone really important to me now. Haha. WEIRD! XD

I got to know Ling in Form 3, and she really, was way WAY friendlier than she looked. Form 3, ZW, Flo, Ling and I had a great time. We didn't pay attention in most of the class. We filed our nails in the class while the teacher was talking. We gossiped. We laughed like mad. We had, and still are having, an awesome time tgt. These three girls, they are the best. We shared a "Black Diary". Lol. It's where we filled our thoughts and feelings. Haha. The second book is currently with Zhen Wei. Ahem.

I'm fortunate enough to have dedicated teachers too. There's just too much to say about them, so I'll leave it to just that. But i wanna to say Thank you. Thank you for your guidance and patience. I may not be the most "active" student in class and you may not remember me next time, but I will definitely remember you. All of you.

Boy, this is a damn long post.

This year, I could conclude, is the best year. Despite getting into huge trouble with the school because of BGR (Fyi, boy-girl relationship), I would say still say its the best. This is also the year where I would be making life-changing decisions, like which course to choose, what I wanna be next time, etc etc. From a plastic surgeon, I changed my mind to being an industrial designer. However, after a talk with Mr. ooi, I decided to be a pharmacist (Seriously, that man can really "brain wash"). I am set now. Finally.

Another thing I love about 2010 is, I found my twin! Haha,well of cuz not biological twin la! Honestly, if you asked me, I wouldn't know how to answer you when our friendship started. Lol. Believe it or not, when she first came to our class, I used to hate her. Lol. I know I know, childish of me just to listen to what others say  before I even got to know her. I'm sorry for that! Haha. We shared so many similar traits its scary. Lol. too many good times!

Last but not least, I shall end this post with an I LOVE YOU and a big fat THANK YOU from the bottom of my butt (hey its bigger than my heart!). I LOVE YOU my friends. I LOVE YOU my teachers. I LOVE YOU my "brothers". I LOVE YOU, HIGH SCHOOL!

ps: i dont have time to check, so please, forgive me if there were too many typos! I'm typo queen anyway!!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

holy moly,
my o my,
exam finished mo!

Weee! *skipping around*

I am so random. Byes.

What examination does to you

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Please stall for me, Time.

About time I brush off some dust over this page.

Unbelievable, its already frigging WEDNESDAY. School reopens the following week. I cannot remember what I'd been doing the past week, but time passed as quickly as it always does. Damn. I haven't got any REAL revision done and its driving me nuts cuz its less than three weeks to exams! Trials!! *Frustrated screeeaaaaam*

I know after saying that, I should now scoot and go upstairs to do some concrite (i got a feeling I've spelt concrite wrongly, but oh whatever. Cannot be bothered to check dictionary) revision but I'm waiting for 8PM to arrive. Never watched OMG on Channel 5 before. So I am going sit on the couch tonight and duh, watch TV. God, I think i'd figured why I hadn't been doing any "real" revision. I'm held captive by my Mr.TV almost everyday. Been watching Stephen Chow's movies. He's awesome, man, really. Whoo!

Parents just came back from Shang Hai yesterday! They didn't buy much this time, boo. but I got PJs again. Every time they go somewhere, they return with PJs for me. -- If this goes on, I will have more night wear than day wear in my closet. and I'm not even kidding.

Okay, it's near 8 o' clock now. BUH BYE!

PS: Went to Pet Store. The puppies are aaaaaaddddoooorrrraaaaabbbbblllllleeeeeee (adorable, geddit?) !

Friday, September 3, 2010

bad news.



It was so fat, its like a ball. SO DAMN ADORABLE after a few looks ( after a few looks as it had a black face, and white belly. It looked weird at first)

Meet baby.

I want to cry.

I want the DIANA F + CMYK so badly. Really really badly. It's love at first sight I tell you. I feel like Mathilde from The Necklace, my "heart throbbing with an uncontrollable desire" (or whatever, I don't rmb the exact line!)

and its killing me because I know I MAY get it. Sometimes, there are things you really don't want a MAYBE for an answer. I rather a No, than a Maybe.  Seriously. At least, when you know you WON'T get it, you'll forget getting so obssessed over it so much. At the most, you'll just be a little bumped. OKAY, I mean very bumped- but still better than a MAYBE YES, MAYBE NO. I hate waiting!

To get my mind off other things, I'm rather excited 'bout the coming week! Holidays just started. Altho we have to start mugging for exams again, but we get to revise in a less stressed manner this time. One thing good about exam for me is I'll shed a few pounds! On the other hand, I get so worked up and sick inside, too. Boo.

Anyways, back to being excited.

Cannot wait to meet up with mateys! Will be celebrating my birthday in advance! 3 weeks in advance, in fact! Haha. It's going to be a crazy day ;D


PS:  I have a fat little puppy (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) - BUT its not technically ours, it crawled from under the gate.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What I want from you

I was surfing the net again, when I tumbled on this. I think its beautiful.

"Dear love of mine,

 I do not believe in a love where that person is “perfect” for me. Why would anyone on Earth want someone “perfect?” That’s boring, plus I don’t believe there is such a thing as “perfect” in this world or any other. I want someone who is flawed and real like I am. I don’t need someone to complete me. I need a person who will accept me and be there with me. Not as my dream person but as themselves, the person who I need in my life.

 I like the simple things. I don’t need much to be kept happy. I won’t ask you to give me the world because that’s not within your reach(Even though I know you probably could do it if you tried.). I say this because I know you would never expect or ask this of me either. All I ask is for you to give me what you expect me to give you. Be frank about it. Don’t beat around the bushes. I hate that shit. I don’t need you to be in my life one hundred percent of the time. I have my life and you have yours. Go live it to the fullest. Just remember to keep me involved at least fifty percent(Or more if you so desire.) of the time.

Be my…best friend. My snuggle buddie. My shoulder to lean on when I’m down and in need of comfort or support. Be my love. Be you. That is all I can ever really ask for. As long as we are generally having a fun time and continue to laugh and love together then I will be fine. I don’t need to see you 24/7 or a date everyday or week. Just see me now and then. And when you do… Just whisk me into your arms and hold me tight.

Kiss me until I’m stupid. Never let go. Sweep me off my feet until my thoughts are poisoned and my senses intoxicated by you. I don’t even expect or want marriage let alone children. I don’t need to see a rock on my left ring finger or a piece of paper to tell me that you will continue to love me. I will continue to trust you so long as I love you. That’s how I am. Just stay by my side and come see the world with me. Lets laugh, love, see, eat, and make beautiful memories together all around the world. Grow old with me. They say home is where the heart is so if my heart is always with you, you must be my home.

That’s the kind of love that I want for myself from you. Now tell me what kind of love you want from me.

Your Love

I don’t expect anyone to see or feel the same way as I do. Nor would anyone have to understand it. I’m just throwing it out there as to what kind of love I want. Perhaps that’s asking for too much but sometimes I think I rather be open and honest about what I want than to keep it to myself."

by aktang

How true.

True perfection doesn’t exist. Nobody is always kind, always fair. There is not a person out there free of physical imperfections such as pimples, wrinkles, scars. But when you fall in love, the one you love becomes perfect in your eyes. That beauty mark, his inability to sing, her tendency to snort when she laughs… You don’t mind. You embrace these quirks, the blemishes. Because put together with everything else, they comprise the one who makes you happiest. Who knows you best. Who makes you feel like you can do anything you dream of. You’re not perfect. The one you’re with isn’t perfect. But you are perfect together. In your own way. And in love, that is all that matters.


Thursday, August 19, 2010


Sweetie pie Flo is turning 18!

 In less than 4 hours!


Friday, August 13, 2010


It's really really stupid, but I vaguely remember I had a lot to post on 10 seconds ago. Granted, I don't have the best memory in the world. Remembering every weensy tiny detail is a pain when you haven't mastered the "skill" for it. I like to think its cuz I haven't mastered the skill yet, and not because of genetic reasons. Although, Dr. House did say: genetics is a powerful thing. or something like that. Whatever la, I told you I'm no avid fan of memorising!

Yay, it's Frrriidday again! Better still, no tuition today because! Well, because it rained. I don't know why but I swear whenever it rains, my teacher never comes. It's interesting, but I never asked why. Surely people have their reasons. I'm open-minded like that. Cheh, hehe ;) Despite all the little confetti party of having no tuition, I'm glum. Yours truly has been a lazy bum bum of the late; thus, her homework is mountaining. beh. BUT;

       More thinking,
More doing,
Less doing nothing.

and that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

I hope.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

no day like today.

photo credit to Heeda

Alriiggght! THIS is what I'm talking about!
Cannot wait to for all the photos to come!

Fun with twinnie

Super overdue post! This was taken in Ion Orchard!

Here goes some others! Better late than never :D

Me likey this. :)

My back view. Saying goodbye to Nat. Leh Leh

In Toys 'r us. There's plenty more photos taken here, but uh, some are too xx. The top's too low...so got longkang. har har har.

Here's what I mean about blooming pimples. :/

I adore this photo of Nat. Especially with this grainy vintagy feel AND the floral top.

The god damn dress that I didn't get to buy!!

Friday, August 6, 2010




Aiya, i figured all of u saw them on FB anyway. So wat's the point??

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Almost invisible mirrored tree house.

This is pretty damn cool. Absolutely camouflaged.



I didn't go to school today. My stomach feels all funny even now. Boo.

I hope I didn't miss much in school. Although, I must admit, I do feel a bit sorry for myself that I didn't see Mr. Cham You's dashing/shuai look today. I heard he wore a reli nice maroon shirt his daughter gave him. Aw, so sweet ;) I can imagine him telling the class how he loved the shirt, but of cuz I doubt he did (tho I can't be sure, because with him, nothing's predictable. Like that day, he suddenly announced he likes Mickey Mouse ;)).

Woohoo, Sports Rehearsal this coming Friday! For the first time in 5 years, I don't have to get all sweaty on this day! All my events are scheduled on the actual Sports Day. I'll have time to spend with my fellow House mates finally. Yay yay ;D Time to have my own share of infectious laughters and jokes we have every year on days like these :)

By the way, I'm over the fact of me being selected in events that's not exactly favorable for me. :) What is Sports for? It's not really the competition that makes us anticipate for it every single year. Its the good times. When I look back at all the photographs, it really makes me smile. It's better every year, and I'm positive we'll have a blast this year, whatever the outcome may be.


PS: Congratulations to Seng Hui for finally being able to untangle the threads ;)

Friday, July 30, 2010

marc johns

These are his older creations, but oh my bitter gourd.
This Marc Johns is awesome in the most peculiar way

party Friday

Hello cupcakes :)

I just got back from Anson's birthday party. I think it was kinda...warm. Sitting there with my friends Feng, Jov, Kel, ZiMing, talking, and laughing AT Zi Ming (Note: not WITH, but AT). He's seriously the cutest guy I've seen. For every word he spoke, we laughed for at least two minutes. He's just got the voice. As in other people can say the same word, but none can express it like he did. God, too funny. I call him Meh Meh- think the type of sound a goat makes XP

I got a scrapped knee because of them too : / bladdy ell. Will keep in mind to take revenge next time!

Anw, we had a tiny party in the physics lab today. Oh, who did? A few gazillion iron filings did. I don't know why, but it amused me to no end just now when I was playing with the magnet. It's cute seeing how they move tgt with the magnet. Somehow, it seemed like they're dancing.

So oKay, i'm a nutty. bye

Haha! No ECA for me tmr! SLEEP LATE

This post is tupid

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Laugh laugh.

Done by Mr.Red


See, I told you I'm fast at recovering.

Haha, it's really funny how I've received a lot of comments on the previous two post on the armpit photo. Everyone thought it was either pervy/ disgusting or disturbing or, - Well, you know what I mean. For me, I thought it was the best picture I could find la!

Just the other day, I told HuanYi that actually, ALL of you should thank me that I'd put that picture. You guys should go check it out yourself. Other photos are beyond puke-worthy ok. Seriously! AND I'm considerate enough for picking one picture with a muscular body, and not one with flabbyboinkboink arms, or in other words, butterfly wings. I mean arms.

Okay, enough of the crap.

This year's Standard Sports in the most...shocking, ever. Blue House had NEVER got last for it until this year. Since the first year I entered (which is more than 4 years ago), Blue House has continuously grabbed the 1st position. I mean, it's our only chance can? -- Disappointed, but well, we can only hope to do our best on the real Sports Days. C'mon people! Keep it up!!

By the way, did you notice my new pink nike shoes today? Wait, pink is an understatement. It's flourescent pink. Very bright at the base, glaring even! Haha. I was sorta nervous to wear it today cuz it's so eye-catching (heh heh ;)), but it's my only pair. Usually I'd wear my old one, but the soles came off while I was doing my long jump the other day. Too bad. The old one's my favourite, and its a lot more comfortable. New shoes tend to hurt my toes.

Yes, my fat toes are a bit swollen right now. : /

Sunday, July 25, 2010

we love we

Photos from ytd :)

Jas, Me & Klaud <3

I can't not say that the lighting in That's Cafe is terrible : /

This is at CS. Damn bright can? Haha. I think Klaud is looking at her milk tea/ phone/ whichever.haha

I love this pic of jas. So adorable. ;)

Hah, misai!



When things aren't right, you talk about it.

I'm just unhappy today, enough said. Don't ever expect me to elaborate on what happened unless you are someone who truly cares; and I know who does, and who doesn't.

I've decided to try a different approach on how to make myself cheer up after all the life's shit. Instead of just sleeping it through, I got myself busy. Sleeping, reading, making the poms poms, go online, listen to music, exercise a bit, whatever. It works, and you realise maybe things aren't so bad as you thought it was. Or perhaps, it's in me that I am not one to be upset a long time, and I'm thankful for that. I don't want to be a miserable old hag all the time.

Hope you had a better weekend than me.

and I don't know why, but I'm dreading sport's practice tomorrow. I hope all my girls can pass at least the standard time for the track events. I'm not expecting too much, but it will definitely bring hope to all the blue house members if there are a few that could really run, for the short distance events especially. Expect the unexpected, says someone.

Loves, me
PS// I'll post up photos on yesterday outing soon.

be happy.

Hello, didn't expect me to come back here so soon eh?

I went out with my siss today, just for a real short while. We went That's Cafe. It's quite a different experience to tell the truth. The feel is so...alien. Its a little cafe near the town's post office. It's quiet, with a retro feel. Like, I don't know, going back to the 90's. The cafe was decorated with traditional toys, vintage-y sorta portraits, and there's even a wooden rocking horse. What I love most was the menu. It was so cute in the old times way, I swear.

It's too bad I didn't remember to take a photo of the little place.

It was nice meeting with them again too, cuz it's been like one whole half year since we gathered like that. The last time was during New Year's Eve. It's not like we stay countries apart or anything - far from it- but because of our busy schedules, it can be pretty tough compromising. We almost couldn't make it today too, but anyhow, thank god, because we did.

I don't know how to split myself between my friends. I want to be with all of them, and yet, because of my dragon lady's rule, I can only go out so very seldom. Have to really sacrifice here and there. Like say, because I went out today, I most probably can't go out with my school mates tomorrow. Bah. So much for wanting to watch Despicable Me in 3D. It must really be quite fun. 

I also want to spend time with someone who'd quite a bad day today. I sincerely hope you would be okay soon yeah? Smile.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Big Book of Armpits

So! Today, I was told the most ridiculous thing.
I was told I like to observe people's armpits.
Yep, they really did say it, no kidding.

I did it unconsciously they said. Like today, when I pointed out there's a hole in Feng's shirt near the armpit, others were like "Huh, got meh? How come I didn't see it?". Instead of saying I'm observant, one of my so called best guy friend called Jovan Chin had to point out that I like to see people's armpit. Boys' specifically.

 So of cuz my reaction is deny it la! Where got such a thing right??!! Then :'( :'( :'( SengHui betrayed me and pointed out that there was another time when I'd commented on Quek's armpit too. So bad! :'( I don't remember what exactly I said that time, but um I remember I did too....but that's only one time lo! Plus today's only 2nd time, my friends say I like to see people's armpits! *sob sob*

AND They asked me to write a book on it! Like what posture, means what type of character. Something like body language. Super lame right?? Can you JUST imagine "The Big Book of Armpits" selling like hot cakes in bookstores? Can you picture this book being on um, like New Yorks Times Best Seller?


Thursday, July 22, 2010

be me for awhile

Shit, the prospect of going tuition later in the afternoon is just plain...BOOOOWTFBOOOODAMNDAMN.

Feeling so knackered, like I'd ran a thousand miles. Won't somebody come be me for just two hours and just go tuition for me? I'd missed the class twice already. Cannot miss it again :(

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

never really gone

This is not an excuse:

I really think the reason why I haven't been blogging much these days is because I no longer have my own laptop. Weird eh.

Exam's just over, thank god. I can get proper sleep now! Like yesterday, I slept before 12AM. Real proud of myself can! Haha. I woke up feeling all cheerful! No need to worry about how much revision I haven't covered yet, no need to stress over if I would do okay. And more importantly, no more blooming pimples all over the forehead! Well, just for now anyway. SPM trials coming up, dang.

We have Sports Day tomorrow! I'm excited because it's well, sports. Haha. The events are a little rushed this time around I think, but I suppose it should be about the same, except for the rumoured new events like 800M for girls and 1200M for the boys. Seriously, for me alone, 400 metres, already pao dao yao si yao huo, still introduce 800M?! --

I'm looking forward to this coming weekend, going out with my friends :D It'd been some time since I go out and really have fun, and it's a good excuse to since it's after exams :) I HAVE to watch Eclipse and Despicable Me, and The Sorcerer's Apprentice, and Salt and a tonnes more movies. Not necessarily in cinemas, but as long as it's with friends, I'm up for it :)

I've decided to "pick up" reading again. It used to be what I do almost everyday, reading several books in one week. But nowadays, you give me a book, i take weeks to finish it, even it's just a thin one. Non-progressive. Not anymore. NOW I BERTEKAD TO READ AT LEAST TWO BOOKS IN ONE WEEK! HAHAHA.

Oh boy.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Madness. I want a bathroom like that. It's so...grand. One problem tho. IF i could have this bathroom, i'm afraid I won't be leaving it. 

and it makes me wanna consider my choice again. Interior design, or industrial design? TELL ME HOW!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

pink flame

Pink By Pinkk_flame

What are you doing this rainy Saturday? Me, searching for pretty photos :) You?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I don't suppose I'll get around writing the post on Teacher's Day anymore. Recent happenings have dampened my mood to post anything new either...maybe I'll be a little perked up after this Saturday. Will be going to a party, where the guests are all kids ranging from age 5-17, mostly primary students. Lovely. They cheer me up all the time, despite being a tad annoying at times. and their laughter is infectious. :) Looking forward to it.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Waiting for all the photos from friends to upload :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So much to do, so little time.

Time spent in the kitchen is a hectic one.

ECA today was a flurry of baking activities- measuring flour and sugar, beating the eggs, heating the oven, kneading the dough, swiss-rolling the dough...and frying mee hoon, not that its a "baking activity". It's a lot of work, but it's fun, and I love that we now get along okay with fellow schoolmates we'd never talked to since the first day of school four years ago until we sign up to the cookery club. Most of them are really easy-going people :)

Card making is making me busy, and the worst thing I could face when I make cards is having nil inspirations, and when I have no inspiration, I tend to mull over it for a long time, waiting for the "ting!" to come, and hours passed by just like that. AND whenever that happens, I don't have enough time to do other chores like homework or watching TV (I'm only human). Luckily, my progress is uh, not so bad. 3 cards in one week.... Oh alright, so I know that's very bad progress but spare me, I'm busy everyday.

Will be busy tomorrow too. I've got to go for performance practice at NINE in the morning tomorrow. So much for sleeping in even for a single weekend. Tomorrow will be exhausting, I bet. What with all the dancing and prancing around the studio, singing too. I'm hoping the practice goes perfect though, cuz it'll be the last one before the actual performance on Teacher's Day. OOhh, looking forward to this year's (!), cuz everyone knows it won't be as dead boring like last year's considering what we'd witnessed some other group performing on reheasal that day. Especially 5B's :) Their's was awesome.

Have to start getting busy checking on industrial design courses too. Oh yes, I've decided...I want to go to this field, and I guess, in a way, it suits me best. I hope I'm making a right and definite choice about this finally. Wish me luck.