This is possibly my first time posting an entry via an iPhone. Or any phone for that matter. Right now,I'm bored to death. I'm here at the clinic waiting for the doc to be done with his surgery and I've waited for one hour already. Oh wait. I don't think he has even started yet! Thank goodness for iPhone, life-saver. If I had my previous phone I think I would really sleep right here on the couch, and that won't be pretty. Also, that's bad impression on my part. I want my attachment letter to be convincing that I can be a really good medic student in the future or something -- yeah, I'm materialistic like that.
Anw. I think I've turned a few shades...redder and yellow-er. The typical Asian skin after going under the sun the whole day. I went to singapore with love on Monday and we had a blast at Universal Studio! All the rides were working and they were all really quite thrilling. Galactica(is it how it's spelt?) was the best! I'll talk about it more when I have a proper keyboard to type instead of these miniature keypad on the phone. We took quite many photos (I think)and in all of them I look sweaty and... Sweaty. Hew. See if I have time to post them up.
(omg i keep staring at the doc's door.How long is the wait going to be!!!!)
To distract myself, I need to...oh I don't know! Help!
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