Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Dad's Day;

I know it's almost the end of the day, but Happy Father's Day to all the super dads in the world! Hope you had a good one, and that of course, includes my dad as well. I hope you like the card I made for you! :D As oppose to other times, this is one of the more..artistic ones. ( Haha, sorry I always make cards like an eight-year old). This is a picture of the pre-finish state. I had some final touches done, but by then I'm too lazy to take another photo. So here goes :

To celebrate Father's Day, we went to celebrate @ T.G.I.F. It was quite crowded of course *shakes head*, but it was definitely worth it. For the ambience, the food, and the service. They're just such fun loving people. Psst, its a secret, but I'll let you in on this one: One day, maybe during my semester break, I'll like to work in TGIF for fun ;) That'll be quite an experience won't it?

Who knew my dad would agree to have this photo taken?

"Our fathers toil with hands and heart
To make our lives complete.

They quietly brave the winter cold,

Endure the summer heat.

Our fathers' lives are busy, but

There's always time for us.

They boldly face the ups and downs

And seldom ever fuss.

Our fathers are the greatest dads.

We know you know this, too.

But thank you for the chance to share

Our love for them with you."

                     -David A. Olds

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