Monday, June 13, 2011

Experience as a Student Helper

Photo from

Today, I earned my first salary.

Except, I don't have the money just yet, bummer 'bout that. Sorely disappointed and dejected, yes. I mean I was all up and bouncing, showing off to whoever that would listen about how excited I was about getting paid before I went to the job the next day! Ah, all the things I would buy! You could say I was quite giddy with happiness- just thinking a bout the things I would get for the boyf, family and obviously, myself too!  Then we were told, money will come in 3-4 weeks. Damn it, all high spirits dashed in a second.

Apart from the money issue, becoming the Student Helper in Taylor's College was a good experience. I met with new people and many of them are quite interesting. There was not many new students for June intake (most people prefer Jan intake), and we weren't quite busy as we expected ourselves to be. I'm not sure which I preferred more- to be busy or not. To be busy means you woudn't even have time for a toilet break.To be "not busy" would mean sitting down, practically doing n-o-t-h-i-n-g. On the first day, we get to stare into the space. Yippee. Not. Luckily I bought a book, or I would really make the headlines : GIRL DIES, BOREDOM-OVERDOSE. On the second day, I was smarter. I armed myself with a laptop!

Now, I don't want any of you thinking I'm a slacker. I do my job. I was stationed at the "1-STOP CENTER" where new students come in and get their photos shot, student ID taken, Welcome Pack carried home. We had to brief them about the how-about of the Student Portals. Luckily I didn't meet anyone who turned down my briefing because that would be really embarrassing won't it- what with a tad sarcastic but generally helpful seniors on your side. Namely, Crystal (ahem, not Tong) and WanYu .Lol. The staff members I quite like was Miss Jenny,and...weirdly, Mr. Gregory ( ocking at times, but a lot funny at others) :)

Not trying to sound cheapskate here, but I got a lot of free stuff! Taylor's couldn't be more generous. I got two new T-shirts which look pretty cool to me *defensive*, many pens, notepads, chips, drinks, fooooooddddd.... Okay, I do sound exceedingly cheapskate now, but forgive me, I'm just a college student. What do ya' expect? Reject free stuff? Functionally GOOD stuff too. No way. Kept them allllllll yayyyy Muaaaaahhhaahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaa eff la. I'm damn cheapskate! GAH :(

In between my breaks, I got a chance to take the Personality Test as well. 180 questions, can you believe it! But nah, don't worry, it's a breeze. You might not even take more than 10 minutes to answer them. Its all the YES/NO/UNSURE options that you could choose from. Easy. Fellow Student Helpers helped me print my results and this is it:

My results:
REALISTIC--1 (like, really, wtf?)

Needless to say, I left The Web pretty miffed >:/
Nah just kidding.  Hoho. I don't think the results helped me much, but oh well who caarrees! :D

Anyway, despite whatever complains that I may have had, I'm glad I took up the job. I wouldn't miss a chance to participate in any other events organized by TCSJ. I got to know so much from my experience :)
Nice to see you all crazy nicey people (especially those from CPU- you guys are da bomb. HEH ;) )


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