Monday, June 13, 2011

Simple things that touches the heart

Remember this?

I was browsing through my phone's photo gallery when I saw this. This was sketched and taken by none other than Lim Huan Yi! She drew this in class I remember she said. and I think she did it just for me, heh heh, seeing how my blog title reads: Long Live, UNICORNS!
(yesh, I have a strange attraction to beautiful mystical creatures). Anyway, she sent it to me via MMS when I was sick as a  dog that day. So sweet! Although there was no "Get well" note whatsoever (ahem!), but it's the heart that counts and I couldn't have "cured" faster, mood-wise.

Thank you so much for the drawing <3

PS: I hope I don't sound like I'm in love with her or sth. ;) I'm just really grateful  ;D

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