Sunday, November 4, 2012


Hi, you fair ladies and charming princes across the water!

I can't believe that, in slightly more than 24 hours, I would be in New York. The Big Apple!

Sandy has definitely caught us off-guard and has ruined the trip for me. The excitement built on since a month ago has gone downhill. The anticipation, the little fantasies of having hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows in it during the cold winter days, all of it...seems far away now. My feelings towards this trip is neutral, but I'm hoping for the best nonetheless!

I mean what could I do about it right? Just hope for the best! :)

My only concern apart from that is not getting my ass frozen, of course. Weather is colder than expected and then there is this heated debate in my head as to whether I should dress to impress but hope my fingers don't come off, or alternatively, I could look like a massive woolen ball, but be toasty all over. Decisions, decisions! I was swimming for hours in my own sea of clothes, putting in, and out, and in again the jumpers/jackets/socks into the luggage. Tough job, I'm telling ya'.

I'm getting a bit nervous too. I tend to forget things whenever I travel. Everything from toothbrush to socks to  phone charger. The little things! Especially since it's winter, there are so much more things that I could be unprepared for and there are still a couple of things I haven't gotten before the little adventure on Monday!

Things to get:
  1. Universal adapter
  2. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly
  3. Number lock
  4. Travel size containers
  5. Eyeliner 
What else? Alright, I think that should be about all. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Monday, September 17, 2012


You know what is one of the things that make me really really happy? Well ok, there are many things that would make me smile. But one of the trivial things that always make my day is... being recognised by people. People I knew long time ago. Could be old classmates, teachers, seniors, or even random people I meet everyday. It probably makes me sound very pathetic but I don't get that a lot. It could be because I look like so many people, my face is pretty common, no distinctive features whatsoever. Or another big possibility is because I don't quite make an impression on other people.

Yeah that does sound pretty loserly for my part. Gee.

But yeah, few days ago, someone did remember me, and honestly, I was happy for a long time and I love that. I really need to go out from my comfort zone and just be myself. To not be afraid of being judged my others. To have fun. To have a life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

First Week


I don't know how I found time to blog, but here I am. Uni is crazy, I know its still too early, but now I know why people say "Welcome to the hardest course in the Taylor's". The work load for the first week is a lot, no kidding. Friends from other courses exclaimed when they heard me say there was alredi homework to do on the first day of class. Mainly it's sketching and model-making.
That doesn't sound very difficult I know, but believe me, it is.'Difficult' in the sense it takes so much of your time you don't have much of other things to worry about. I forgot to iron my clothes. I missed calls. I missed meals. My room's a mess. and you know what's crazier? It's only the first week. I really should manage my time better. Even better.


I can't wait for the weekends! It's the only days when the amount of assignments can only go down, or at least, remain the same. Don't get me wrong though. I may be seem to complain a lot, but I really love this course. Again, it's probably too soon to tell, but I have no regrets whatsoever in taking this course. I really look forward to the weeks to come (despite the shit load of assignments)!

Oh, and the people in uni! The diversity! People from around the globe come here... I'm a little surprised. I mean I had no idea Taylor's is so well received and recognized by people from other parts of the world. Haha, clueless me. Don't judge! ;) My coursemates are pretty cool too- some of which, too cool for me. Hello, inferiority complex! -but overall very nice people I would say!

OK. Really gotta run now. Tomorrow is a FRIDAY. YES!


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A tiny update.

Here's my pink pony.

Hi, to all. Just here to announce that I'm officially a student again, a university student that is. I'm not sure how exactly I feel about it just yet, but mostly it's good positive feelings. I really love how the old me is coming back- I am no longer the anti-social the person I used to be while in college. Looking back, I felt I wasted one and half years keeping to myself. It felt like a great loss now.

Things would be different in uni, and I can't wait for classes to start. I haven't looked forward to school for a real long time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

10 random questions

I see you!

I have nothing to do right now, so I guess I'll answer some questions just to pass time, and also for you to get to know me slightly better. Random questions I got off the Internet.

1) Five ways to win your heart.
a. Being romantic- I'm a total sucker for it
b. Protective
c. Smart- and I don't only mean book-smart. Doing well in exams and being smart doesn't always go together.
d. Remembers little things about me
e. Enjoys my company

2) What do you want more than anything right now?
This is probably the most expected answer for question like this. I want a world full of love and kindness, and I wish violence never existed. And oh, throw in a hug as well.

3) A book you're reading
I'm reading so many things at once right now...Always stopping mid-way to read more books. If you're asking my current fav though, it'll be Bad Kitty by Michelle Jaffe. It's a really cute book, too young for my taste, but it's really funny. A good read for a bad day.

4) Put your music player on shuffle and write the first ten songs that play 
Lucky - Jason Mraz ft Colbie Callait
Helena Beat - Foster the People
Unwell - Matchbox 20
Dancing in the Moonlight - Toploader
You- Switchfoot
Friends, Lovers or Nothing - John Mayer
Where'd You Go - Fort Minor
Annie - James Blunt
Telling the World - Taio Cruz
Radio - Lana Del Ray

5) If you could go to any place right now where would you go? 
Happily travelling around Europe. But honestly? It's not where, it's the people who are important. You could bring me to the most beautiful place on Earth, but if I have no loved one to share it with me, there really is no point. 

6) Something you think "what if..." about. 
Examination results. What if I'd put in more effort, what if I concentrate more on that particular topic, what if I wasn't so careless... so many what ifs.

7) Things you'll like to change about yourself
Gee. There's so many things I'll to change. This needs a post on it's own. Probably next time.

8) What did you dream about last night?
I forgot. I remember who were inside though. My collegemates - Michelle, Shin Ying, Jin Yun, Sylvia, Foo, Chin Win.

9) What are your nicknames?
I hate this question so I'm not gonna say it. But here's a piece of my mind: Because of my surname, people poke fun at me, thinking they were just kidding. Kidding? Fuck you. You dont ridicule a person's name and tell them it's just for fun. This isn't just about me being petty. If you can't respect a friend, you don't deserve one. 

10) What do you do before going to bed?
Wash up, check Instagram, check Twitter, text the boyf, put eye drops (lol, had eye LASIK procedure done, in case you're wondering why), toss around, sleep.

Alright. The room is getting a tad too warm, gonna go shower now. Next time!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cake report

I forgot. I was to tell everyone how my red velvet cake turned out. Here's how: GODLY FANTASTIC! Considering it was my first time. Oh my god. I'm never gonna bake cookies again, they always disappoint me. Cakes are different. I have hope. The cooking/baking genes have not entirely dodged me after all, thank you celestial beings up there. Won't forget you, DNA, either. The right sperm had entered the right ovum.

Here, for proof:


Just kidding.That isn't my cake. I googled it.

OK. To be fair, the cake was only good taste-wise. Looks-wise, I would have gotten an award for Shittiest Looking Cake in the Universe, hands down everyone, please. What little appeal left of my "broken" (i didn't grease the mould enough, and it got stuck to the pan. I had to use a spoon to lift up the cake, which came out in pieces.) cake was immediately gone after I spread the cream cheese on it. It pains me to admit it, but the cake looks disgusting.

From this experience, apart from being a failure in cookies-baking, it appears I have no talent in frosting cakes either. I iz sad.

But, haven't we learnt? Do not judge a book (I mean, cake) by its cover. Looks are deceiving, and I didn't quite believe that until then. BECAUSE MY CAKE TASTED AWESOME. The cream cheese was really the cherry on top of the cake. Creamy and cheesy, lol what am I saying. I could just eat the cream on its own, really, it's that yummy.

As evidence that it was nice, my mum said I should def make it again, to improve you see. And my sister finished most of the cake on her own! I'm touched to tears, really. Shall make some changes the next time, "tweak" the recipe a bit, make the cake more moist, and to spruce up my frosting skills, which I need dire help with. SOS.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Baking Endeavors.

I'm no master in the kitchen. In fact, I'm anything but one. Recent circumstances (read: BOREDOM) have forced me to succumb to baking though, and after a few times, I think I'm starting to get a little ambitious. From basic cookies to uh, chocolate coated ones! To date, my cornflakes cookies would be the most successful in my opinion, but only because my grandma was beside and she didn't really follow the recipe so...yeah.

Explains why they taste better than they should since, honestly speaking, all cookbooks have all but one purpose: to make newbies, like me, have all their hopes dashed and crushed into crumbles. REPEAT.

Tomorrow, I'm gonna step out of my comfort zone and venture out into baking CAKES instead. Yes, I'm pretty impatient, I noticed. But the very reason I got tired of making cookies is because I don't really eat them after I made them, and it became really wasteful after awhile. Cakes? Cakes are different. I love cakes. Well... not crazy fanatic about them or anything, but I love them well enough to actually have the heart to learn them properly (unlike cookies). I don't know, that's what I feel right now. I may have better luck with cakes than them cookies. I hope.

The determination is there though, strong and steady! BECAUSE :

Not that I can have you with me on my bed. My mum would bake me in the oven and serve, table for 10 please?

Anyway, tomorrow, I may speak differently, if my red velvet cake comes out a total fiasco.

Which...I wouldn't be surprised if it does and am wholly mentally-prepared for. *roll eyes* I'll just retire to the fact that these baking-and-other-housewifey genes just managed to skip a generation and leave me with absolutely nothing that'll make me a moderately good, home-maker. If I was born in older times, I'll be banished into the wild mountains my stilettos.

Eheh. ;) Goodnight!

PS: Will update whether or not my cake turns out OKAY.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tribal prints + Flora shorts

Tribal top - F21
Flora high-waisted shorts - Amoeba

I am wasting my time at home. Free enough to take photographs of my outfits.
Since when has holidays started getting so dull? I need to get my butt out of the house and start hunting for a job. I wish I could start now, but unfortunately no. Not before I had my....I'll tell you peeps next week! I don't want to get too excited lest I accidentally jinxed myself. Dear God, please let it go as plan!

Alright, I have nothing more to say. Getting back to my reads! 
Boy, this is such a miserable post.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Out in the afternoon;

After hearing all raves about how awesome this little cafe is from friends, I finally gave it a try at My Liberica Coffee with the peeps today- Andrea, Nat, and Mao- as a farewell outing before Nat flies off to France tomorrow. I must say, it's definitely a place for a round of little chit chats. Its warm tones and wooden-finishing furnitures set the ambience just right for comfort and makes you feel right at home. 

Coco crepe cake, a definite must-try! The cakes served here are different everyday, and we're fortunate we got to try this flavour!  This is pretty good for me! The sweetness and bitterness level of it is just enough, and its creaminess literally melts in your mouth ooh ohh love.
Hokkaido Milk Crepe cake. 
Again, after much recommendation from Mao, we tried these mushroom chicken pie and oh my god, was it good! Good is an understatement of course. They are freaking amazing! The best I've had in ages! The only flaw is its too small, just one isn't enough. Dear me, I'm missing it right now. The crust and the mushroom fillings. I could dream of them tonight. 

Mao's orange-liquor(?) coffee and my own Espresso Conn Gelato. It's my very first time trying a "drink" like this, since I can't take strong coffee (I believe espresso is on the strong side...right?). This is irresistible, however. Scoops of vanilla ice-cream with a shot of espresso. Price? RM6
Are you kidding me, I had to order.
 They have a big price range of course. They have coffee like Blue Mountain  too and that costs a bomb, but apparently its really worth it. I bet if I ever did try that, I prolly wouldn't be able to sleep for at least 2 days. That's how terrible I am.

 Anyway, it does seem this is some paid advert isn't it? No. The food and coffee here (at least the ones we've tried) is pretty good, and priced reasonably I would say. 

And, of course, what's a blog post without some pictures of ourselves, eh?

Four of us looking absolutely...charming with pot plants and you start wondering if we asked the waitresses/baristas to take the photos for us. That, we did. And it's none other than our very own CherChiang, working part-time here in the cafe. Lucky girl! Andrea wanted to do part-time here, but apparently they aren't interviewing part-timers anymore. 

Photographer of the day! Chiang, if you're reading this, thank you so much! :)

It's crazy, really. We arrived at the cafe around 1.40PM and you wouldn't believe what time we left- around 7PM. Yes, that's right. More than 5 hours in a little cafe, just sitting there at our table, talking our butts off. I had no idea this was possible before today, haha. I barely felt the clock ticking away! I don't think we talked that much either! Time just...whoa. Take us by surprise literally. They say when you're having a good time, the world goes by, and you wouldn't notice shit. No lies.

The last photo before we went our separate ways. Today was fun. I realise this would be the last time in a long time four of us would hang out again, what with uni coming up and a new life in general. The soonest would be...December next year? That is if everyone is back. I don't know how to put it...but I'll miss you, HuanYi. Truly. Good luck there, and I wish you all the best!


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

between the two

Where I'd been to last weekend :

That's right. I went to Fish Leong's Concert in Genting Highlands! Albeit reluctantly (long story).  
Headed up to Genting on Friday just to catch her live, that's about 4 hours drive and? I yawned throughout the concert. Not that it wasn't good. It was, I swear! It's just not my cup of tea. I don't understand Mandarin and so, this is actually a waste of my time there at the concert. Anyhow. This is my first Chinese concert, and really I gotta say, the people really do go miles to work a concert.

Glaring differences are...

 1. Costumes. Chinese singers more often than not, change their costumes after every three songs. No kidding. In that 3 hours, Fish changed into more than 5 costumes, and in one occasion, even changed her hairstyle. From experience, I know this almost never happens for English concerts, where the singers have on the same attire throughout.

2. Flying confetti/ ribbons/ paper planes/ props and floating bubbles. You could say this is only possible because it's an indoor concert. Bullshit. The last time I went to MLTR's concert (also held indoor), they had none of these. I love MLTR, but I gotta say, in terms of stage set-up and everything, Chinese concerts win hands down. Utterly and completely.

3. Dancers. I don't have to lie. The dancers that night wasn't a slight bit...OK, I don't know how to put it, but I wasn't amused. But still. There were dancers, the first time I'd seen in a concert.  

4. Lyrics on projectors. This is the best part of  many Chinese concerts. I know if you're fan enough, you are supposed to already remember the lyrics by heart, but as I've mentioned way earlier, I have a really bad memory and remembering all the lyrics is an impossible feat and I don't think I'm alone. So, I feel it's a really good thought to feature the words on a big screen so that fans could sing along with the artistes. Like having a karaoke-session! Except it's live!

With all that, you feel your money's worth. Even if Chinese concert tickets usually cost more, you really get what you paid for. Now, I stress, I'm NOT saying English concerts aren't worth it, I'm just saying the setting is completely different and since, by comparison, English tickets are usually on the lower side of the price scale, I suppose you do get what you put in the cash for, too.

Now, shall we stop talking about concerts and focus the limelight on me again. ;)
 What I wore, and a random shot of my phone's lock screen.

My, I really love the metal collar necklace. Instantly boosted the Appeal Level of my otherwise boring attire for that night! I've worn it a few times, and still I never got sick of it. Expensive, but a total dear. <3

Monday, July 9, 2012

healthy habits

Warning: Random insertion of unrelated photos everywhere in the post. 
Been doing nothing constructive for the past few weeks, but I've been trying to improve my lifestyle at the very least. For one, I've been waking up early almost everyday of the week, usually around 9-ish. But of course, there are days of inconsistency, especially if I've had a tiring day the day before. I could wake as late as 2pm, or once, as early as 4.30am just to go hiking (I'm fully aware how crazy that sounds).

Secondly, I've been drinking milk every day. If you must know, I have bones as brittle as...uh, glass? Anyway, this sudden flash of fear gripped me last week when one of my knee felt painful when I squatted. Wtf, even my grandma didn't have the problem at 65. I don't know what the problem is exactly, maybe degeneration of collagen, calcium or what not. Self-'medication'? Drink lots of milk. I sincerely hope the next time I do a squat jump, I don't bend over out of pain.

Cereal breakfast! On alternate days when I'm feeling especially healthy, I'll take cereals. The first time I had them this week, I felt really...happy? I don't know. Surging hormones. They bring weird emotions. Anyway. I was happy. I miss cereals soaked in fresh milk, until its all soggy. Disgusting and absolutely delicious! And of course,  cornflakes and kokokrunch tops my Favourite Cereals List!

I mentioned earlier I went hiking, yes? Frankly speaking, on my now pretty vacant to-do-things-during-my-break list (LOL, I have a lot of lists don't I?), hiking was numbered 10000000. Translation? I never wanted to go walk 10km up and down a mountain I've never even heard of- Gunung Pulai. But mum wanted to, and I can't possibly let her and another friend go on their own. I know my mum, she isn't all that strong and hiking just wasn't a thing for those physically weaker. So, I had to go. 

And guess what? As much as I hate to admit it, I like the experience- not the part where I got bitten by shitload of mosquitoes- and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll go again. I feel healthy just breathing the air there, and working those muscles, trudging up the mountain. The word healthy seems foreign until lately, and hell am I missing it dearly! Definitely going to work out more from now on!   


ps: Photos taken recently while I was at Genting Highlands.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Other Me* Flash

|| mini update ||

Because there's so much time on my hands right now, I do occasionally change into outfits that I would never actually wear out into the sun, at least not at the moment when my style has gone back to the "Tee and Jeans/Shorts" combo. As a memento however, I usually would take a few snaps of the outcome.

This time around, I tried one that screams Rockstar! Haha. I know, I know. This isn't me. This is my other twin. So pretend not to be sniggering!

Result of my first attempt. What's next? Even I don't know! Be on the look out! Maybe I'll try Sweet&Princessy on my next post?



Thursday, June 28, 2012

back and safe;


Oh, yes, free hugs? ;)

Truth is, my laptop fell into the ocean (don't ask me how! Use your imagination!) while I was flying across the South China Sea on the way to Taiwan and it fell so deep I had to send out my rescue team out there to help me look for it, submarines and all things high-tech to help me detect it. At long last, my baby was back in my arms. So yes, that pretty much explains why I've been away from the bloggersphere for almost two weeks.

Bullshit. Trust me to come up with this crap in less than a minute. I surprise myself all the time.

I'm back from my Taiwan trip weeks ago, prom passed, Genting trip went and back, and now I'm safely back in JB feeling very homey and have been staying in the house 24/7, except for the occasional meal out. There's a Topshop sale going on and I'm not even motivated a tiny bit by it to go out. Feeling pretty lazy, see? And the pollution here is horrible, I don't wanna get my pores clogged with dust and and... whatever clogs up my pores. Haha, so princessy, complaining.

My godma from Melaka came to JB, and has been staying with us for almost a week! It's always so nice to have a guest at home 'cuz my grandma will always cook a whole variety of food to impress him/her/them, and we get to enjoy too! I'm not being bias, but I honestly think my grandma is really really good cook. She's the competitive type, once you say her dish is even a tad on the negative side, she'll correct it until it's alright the next time. She does have a weakness of course. She gets annoyed if you criticize (although constructively) her food. Haha.

Wait, I was talking about my godma. So yes. I love it when she comes! Apart from good company, I get driving lessons! This is probably really embarrassing. I got my license last year, but lack of practice for a few months left me feeling like a newbie again. Don't worry though, I'm getting the hang of it after hours of practicing with my godma's help. Not that it means I won't have to go "training" under a real instructor again next week. My dad insisted. Ugh. Sien.

Edit: I won't have to go for professional lessons no more! :D

This post is getting boring again.


Saturday, June 9, 2012


Yesterday, was supposed to be my first weekly post on "FRESH FINDS FRIDAY" where I feat-
I haven't got much ideas what to post yet, so yes it's a bad idea to start with, and so yes, screw this shit.

By the time you  read this , I'm already/going to have the time of my life in Taiwan with my friends! *Screams! Shouts! Screams! Shouts!*


 ANYWHOOOOOO,  If I'm not mistaken, this it the very first time I'm going out of the country (PLEASE, shut up about Singapore being a different country, although it is. This probably doesn't make sense, but to us living at JB, Singapore is so near, it doesn't count. More on this next time) without my parents, and saying I'm excited is the understatement of the year. Going shopping later, and eating, oh yes food come to me me me! AHHHHHHHHHHH :D

Be back in a few days! Stay tuned!

PS: Wish my boyf and two other buddies were here. :/ You know who you are!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Hi, all!

Presenting, the charming me.
*roll eyes*

So, a little update! Here to announce that I'm actually a wee bit  bored out of my mind; and that's crazy because one week of sweet and long-awaited freedom has not passed, and here I am, complaining already. I could barely comprehend how my life ahead will be for the next 6 months or so, with nothing worrying (academically speaking) on my plate and a full load of time to idle. Oh, the joy!

Except I'm not feeling it much now. I want to do something. I can't camp out in front of the laptop every single day with a chunk of fattening Cadbury milk chocolate by the side (like right this instant)! I had a lot in mind while doing revision for my upcoming exams, mentally making lists and lists of things to do during my break, to try, to experiment, to pass time; but I realise a mistake now, and that is I only mentally noted them down. So naturally, I didn't remember much of it after 5 minutes back into my revision. Now, before I go on, I think you should know beforehand I've a memory of a sieve.

Especially when it comes to lists. Yes, see? I have a valid reason whenever I don't stick to them.

I vaguely remember the things I really wanted to do though. Go shopping. Catch up with close buddies. Go celebrate post-finals. Even the mammoth task of tidying/cleaning up my room; ALL of which I have already done. What else, what else. I even watched videos on cooking to pass time! This from a girl who can't cook for shit to save her life.

*random insert of a photo featuring me posing sexily on Ana's lap*
ANA: Yep, this girl right here.
*Jesus. What the hell was I wrong with me?*
OK, to be fair, I wasn't given the chance to cook! My grandmom finds me a hassle in the kitchen even when I really am indeed trying to help. Uneven chopping of garlic/onions/chilli/etc is a waste of time, apparently. So usually within 10 minutes, I'll get shooshed out of the kitchen. Poor me. I'll blame my grandmom if her great-grandchildren starve because their mommy (me) doesn't know how to boil an egg.

AHA! Just kidding. I'm not that horrible. Boiling eggs is fine. I do a plentiful good job at it. I think.
But I'm ready to learn! I don't care, I'm gonna bribe my granny to teach me.
How else am I gonna survive overseas if I can't cook? Take outs/microwaved food everyday? No thanks.


ps: the photos above have absolutely no relations with the post, not entirely. Just for fun, you know. Because I'm lacking it. Oh mee gourd. I'm so bored.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Time is precious. Have you ever spent hours at a time in front of the computer, browsing the Internet, signing in Facebook, play a game, skype with some friends, but towards the end of the day, you don't remember doing anything "productive" at all? In fact, you felt you have wasted time. I don't know about you, but I used to find myself in that situation almost all the time. 9 out of 10 times, after I finally get off my laptop, the guilt comes.

Not so much anymore. I feel nowadays, when I'm online, what I do is I'll go "discover". I secretly (not so secret anymore, is it?) pride myself in this. Usually, I'm the person who looks for new food to eat in town, new boutiques, new websites, new photoshop tutorials, new blogs, new DIY crafts etc. You get my point. The few things I'm less interested in are gadgets and technology and perhaps movies, but what I  am interested in, more than compensate for my lack of it in certain fields in my opinion. Not to say I'm proud of it or anything.

So I'm thinking, maybe (a big maybe) I should do a weekly post on my new discoveries. It could be anything, I want it to be flexible, so that I don't feel too pressured to post something. Maybe, every Friday or so?  What should be in my first "FRESH FINDS FRIDAY" post? *thoughtful*
The reason simply being I want people to feel this:

ok, so stay tuned to see if I really end up wanting to do this project!
it's a big deal because this would need commitment.

ps: In case I'm really signing up for this, can anyone come up with a better name than "Fresh Finds Friday" ? It sounds a bit tacky, but that's the best I could come up with at the moment. Any help? 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Purple Brown

Short photo update, in case you didn't see it on my Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Heh.

I was more than surprised to see this colour. I didn't expect it'll be so bright under the sunlight! It's better than expected and its my favourite colour so far! Coincidentally, this hair matches the colour of my CK spectacle frame and my new sunnies! Double the love. I don't think I'll ever go back to light brown again. 
I can even pull off a punkish look with this hair, HI ;)

Shopping trip;

Post on my recent splurge. I hope I don't come off as show-off or whatnot. Just pretty happy with the purchases and I'm here to share it with you guys    I hope you guys share the same love as me for these darlings below!

1. Denim Zip Bralet
2. Crop Tee
3.Red 50s' Classic Sunglasses

TOPSHOP. My recent fashion fad: Cropped tees and bralets. How can anyone not love them? They fall in the right place just above your waist. I think it's one of my favourite new trend since the time when collars with metal tips were everyone's must-haves. I'm not certain whether they still are in trend, but I need to have them (tops with metal tips) in my closet soon.

DIVA. I also bought something from Sunway Pyramid's DIVA the other day, but I can't seem to find it on their webpage, so yeah, I can't make a collage out of it, unfortunately. It was a really pretty teal-coloured feather earrings, and the best part is I bought it during their sale! From RM36, to only RM15! How awesome is that? They were having this "BUY TWO FOR 30" promotion, and if it wasn't for Mao (she bought the second accessory), I wouldn't have gotten the darlings at such great price! ♥ 

1 & 2. Bershka tulle back bandeaus 
BERSHKA. I absolutely adore the bandeau in neon pink. Perfect to wear it under those sleeveless loose jersey tops. I bought them in both black and pink though, because I can't decide which I like better. Haha. Besides, both  are rather easy to match with my clothes, so its not like I'm wasting or anything *defensive* ;)

ASOS. I've started online shopping with my mum's credit card a few years back, but then I stopped right away after the first two experiences because some suspicious transactions were made after my purchase. Started again this year with my own card, not credit but debit. I personally think it's safer, but I don't know for sure. Anw, couldn't resist these babys , and my heart told me to get them. So, I did.

Now all I'm waiting for is for them to safely arrive at my doorsteps on/before 11th June. I sincerely hope nothing goes wrong with the delivery. Not enough trust in Malaysia's post system. : / 


Friday, June 1, 2012


You know how few weeks ago, I said I'll blog more once I'm a "free bird"? I realize I have a problem. Because once finals were really over, I'd been going out so constantly, the only time I'm home is when I want to sleep. The next morning would be packed with plans and outings again. The next day would be the same.

At least that's how it'd been these few days. Maybe things will be another story next week around, when all me and few of my buddies have, is each other. Not that I'm complaining. I rather this for some time, before I go take up a part time job once I head back to JB. I need the break!

Updates on the last three days:

1.Dyed my hair.
 Yes,really, again.This time by my dear MAO. In two years, I've dyed it a total of 4 timesWhat a surprise my hair is all dull and dried out. Anyway, I felt I really did step out of my comfort zone this time. Purplish Brown. Ha! I was kidding about the comfort zone part, I'll always stick to some sort of brown. I would never wander too much away from "safe" tones.  Blond or green or flaring red or something crazy just isn't me. I'm boring like that ;)

2.BBQ with college mateys.
I regret to say this...but I wasn't really buddies with my college friends until the end of the last semester. We're not BFFS right now, but at least it was better. I felt it was my fault that we never got to know each other very well; me and Natalie had mainly kept to ourselves most of the time because we weren't all that fantastic mingling with new crowds.

Things turned a little different this year though. I really believe it's 'cuz of Twitter. Suddenly, everyone in the class has an account. From there, we progressed. The first outing for me with my college mates was to IKEA. Meatballs/Apple Crumble/Cheesecake/Chicken Wings/Sausages any one? That day, I really did finally feel I'm part of the class. :)

As I was saying, BBQ. Possibly the last class gathering... Here goes a photo:


3.Karaoke Session
Went singing with some of the buddies right after their exams were over (we end on different days), and had a great time! Picked few songs we have never heard in a super long time like "HOLLABACK GIRL- Gwen Stefani" and "FERGALICIOUS- Fergie" . Boy, wasn't that fun! I bet the boyf was rolling his eyes all the while at the back when we were having a good time belting out those songs. He can't take songs like that because he's born in the wrong age. The music he listens to, you'll think he came out of the womb the same time as my parents. Shakes head.

4.Went shopping
Multiple times. You would have thought I'm no longer going Taiwan. You know how in Taiwan, most of the clothes (really nice ones too!) are rather cheap? Really, I mean I've never bought pretty clothings at a lower price anywhere.  Sure, qualities aren't assured, and in most shops, you can't try them on. But since I'm a "Free-sized", its pretty worth it for me, and I really don't mind much about the quality because I get bored of certain style pretty quickly, so I'll keep replacing them with new ones.

As I was saying, shopping. Bought RM250 worth of clothes in just three days. Yikes. I'll show you guys the stuff in another post.

5.Packed my belongings
Yes, I've packed almost all my stuff into the cardboxes. Today is 1st of June. I'm only moving out on the 23rd. Almost a month earlier. Haha. Somehow, I'm really hyped about moving out from my room, and I genuinely like packing for some reason. Some of my friends like YY and Natalie didn't get it. Nat is even worse, she's going back tomorrow, but she managed to procrastinate and just started really packing just now. I don't know how she does it! Gee.

OK. Long enough to be a uber boring post already.